Monday, May 12, 2014

10 on 10

I decided to do the 10 pictures on the 10th dealio because it was a Saturday. Finally, I said to myself, a day where something interesting might happen. Um, not so much (well, that's not strictly true - we had a date night!). Anyway, here is my terribly exciting day!

6:30 a.m. I woke up & thought - ooh I'll do a selfie in the bed as my first 10 on 10 shot of the day & then I'll roll over & sleep another two hours. By the time I finally gave up on getting a good picture I was wide awake. Ha!

7:00 a.m. Pouring rain most of the morning.

8:00 a.m. Oatmeal for breakfast (only because I was out of eggs and pizza). Raisins, chia seeds & almonds - it was really yummy!

10:00 a.m. I was trying to decide whether or not to blow dry my hair. I thought to myself, self, take a selfie & see what it looks like. Ha!

10:15 a.m. Practiced Sunday's anthem.

12:00 p.m. While I ate my lunch I watched this guy crawl around on the wall.

1:00 p.m. Took my walk. It was still a little drizzly & there was a bit of thunder - but it wasn't too bad.

2:00 p.m. Went to the grocery store & spent some time pondering the injustice of the fact that all the interesting looking salsas are too spicy for me. I ended up getting one that I plan to mix with some mild. We'll see how that goes!

5:00 p.m. And all day long I did laundry...

7:30 p.m. Dr. M & I attended a Best of Broadway Pops concert - it was great fun!

We got home just before 11:00 - a late night for us! And I was wishing I had just rolled over instead of trying to take that early morning selfie!


  1. I am very impressed you even THOUGHT about taking a selfie at 6:30 am BEFORE coffee!! :)

  2. You had a lot going on this fine day.

  3. I love these kinds of posts :)

  4. I'm glad you remembered! This is always such a fun post. I just plain forgot.

  5. It's always more of a challenge to do photography on a rainy day -- but you did amazingly well! (And it sounds like you had a fun day anyway.)

  6. The highlights in your hair look great!

  7. did it! I never have a debate with myself about should I go back to sleep or not and I never have a debate about blow-drying my hair or not....the answer to both is always no! :)

    Spiders don't bother me either, but I know many who would freak out by seeing just that picture of one. Best of Broadway sounds awesome!! Curious which are your favorite shows?

  8. And...your hair looks beautiful!

  9. I dig this idea (10 on 10) and am adding it to my "definitely do" list. Also, I love the come-hither highlights in picture 4.

  10. I say no blow dry. It looks sexy.


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