Sunday, June 21, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Twenty-five

Before we get to the pictures, a couple of other things. First of all, Happy Father’s Day to my dad. I know full well all the things you’ve done for me and I am so very grateful. Love you daddy!

Second, I wouldn’t feel right doing a blog post and not mentioning the tragedy in Charleston. I am hoping and praying that the perpetrator doesn’t get his wish of a race war – and not only that, that the opposite happens. How about a love-fest instead? Can we just love one another? I think that Someone told us that was kind of important…

And now, my pictures for the week. Last week I said, “This week was all about crochet and growing things…” Well, this week was all about crochet and growing things. Heh.

Sunday, June 14th
This morning at church we said goodbye to a parishioner who is moving to Pennsylvania to be near his daughter. We’ll miss you Jack!

I worked on a couple more preemie hats. As you can see, I’ve figured out how to size them.  

Monday, June 15th  
Dr. M saw a rainbow on his way to school.

Tuesday, June 16th            
Dr M took pictures around the yard. Things are hopping around here!   

Ms. Pinky is almost there…

We found what we think is a sunflower growing in the yard.


I finally finished this prayer shawl yesterday, and took a picture of it in the sun today. When I posted it on Facebook I got a lot of compliments, but one of the reasons that it took me so long to finish it is because I wasn’t very excited by the color combo. Ha!

Tonight I finished square #1 of pattern #12. I’m almost halfway through the afghan project!

Wednesday, June 17th     
I’ve done a terrible job of keeping up with my zen calendar. Today I was trying to get current & this one made me pause. Food for thought!

Ms. Pinky!

Thursday, June 18th     
Square #2…

Around the yard… I told Dr. M that it looked like Pinky was giving him the finger. Heh.

Friday, June 19th
Daisy Nation.

Square #3 – this pattern is a lot of fun and fast.

Saturday, June 20th                
My daily walk, at the cemetery. I amused myself by noticing the road sign “Veterans Dr” & thinking, “That’s nice.” And then noticing the graves with all the flags on them. Ms. Oblivious – that’s me!

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. I just love all your blooms and flowers. Your dad looks very handsome and quite proud of you!

  2. Has that one gravestone on the middle right of your collage been swallowed up by a tree trunk? That's pretty cool.

    Sick and misguided people have tried over and over again to start race wars (i.e. Charles Manson) and in the end, common sense and sanity prevail. Humans are amazingly stable, all things considered.

    1. Indeed...the rhetoric of race war goes back a long way, and it certainly was prevalent in the mid-19th century, yet it didn't happen when slavery came to an end.. Thanks, Steve. We try to keep faith in humanity, too!

    2. And YES, that gravestone is being swallowed up by the tree! I thought it was really cool :)

  3. Those daisies are gorgeous, and I'm so happy to see that Pinky is pinking up. I have to tell you that I'm so jealous of those tomatoes. We haven't planted any, but next year... I think I'll plant them with the flowers, or maybe H will do a small garden in the only truly sunny spot in the back yard.

    The tragedy in Charleston is unspeakably sad. I'm so moved by how the families and loved ones of the victims have handled all of it with such grace. I don't know if I could. They've given us a strong lesson.

    1. I'm feeling very impatient about the tomatoes - shouldn't they be pinking up by now. Sheesh :)

      And yes, a strong lesson indeed.

  4. Such a clever way to size those little caps.

    1. I have a friend who said that her preemie girls' heads were the size of a softball, so I thought oh yeah genius - use a softball! And since her girls were later term preemies I figured a baseball would work for the smaller ones :)

  5. How nice of the church to give a parishioner a send off :)
    I think a race war was brewing enough with all the police issues, but I think this guy actually brought people TOGETHER with his actions. Dumb dumb dumb.
    I'm on the hunt for a easy but pretty crochet pattern for an afghan. I'm keeping this one. Love the yarn :)
    Those preemie hats. SO SMALL!!! ahhh!!!

    1. I'm doing a crochet-along where we get a new square every two weeks - I'll send you the link :)

  6. Replies
    1. Toad. We have several cute ones this year, as usual.

  7. Love all the growing things, both live and crocheted!
    The peeking toad is my fav and the cemetery pics.

  8. I like your method for measuring the hats. You sure do pump out a lot of product! Pretty, pretty daisies. So much more fun than snow pics. 😀


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