Sunday, June 7, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Twenty-three

We are in the full swing of spring now that it’s almost summer – although earlier this week we turned the heat on again. Today we’re back up to the 80s.

Sunday, May 31st       
Dr. M & I took a lot of pictures around the yard today. But unless you go here to his blog, this is the only one you’ll get to see. Ha!

Monday, June 1st   
I had to run to the post office today & saw this truck – made me laugh. I also saw these lovely peonies at the post office.

Tuesday, June 2nd            
I dug out my planet box for my lunch today. The large container had cantaloupe in it, & the smaller one had cream cheese for my wasa crackers. It didn’t help – wasa crackers are like eating sawdust pressed into a rectangular shape.

That evening I took Daisy out for a spin! Which lasted for about 8 minutes, so I went out later for a real walk.

Dr. M was chasing the moon… And that’s the only moon picture you get unless you go to this blog post. He’s got some good ones on there!

Wednesday, June 3rd    
Dr. M got a new t-shirt – ha!

I posted this flower from one of my afghan squares on Facebook, asking for opinions for the color of the rest of the square. Tune in tomorrow scroll down to see what I ended up doing (and no I didn’t really seem to follow anyone’s advice. Typical).

Thursday, June 4th     
I got a new t-shirt too! My favorite verse…

In order to help me decide what to do with that blasted square I took a picture of all the squares so far…

This was the end result.

Dr. M bought me some peony bushes!! Hopefully we’ll have some flowers next spring. He also got me some impatiens because he knows I love them too.   

And then I planted something! Black-eyed Susan seeds. Which we’ve had since 2007. Will anything grow? Who knows! Anyway, this is momentous because I hate to get dirt under my fingernails (I’m so prissy). I do have gardening gloves, that that would have required me to remember that I have them…

Dr. M likes to sit outside during the gloaming. Today he saw a hummingbird and a dove on the wires, a daylily scape, and maybe Venus…

Friday, June 5th
Hard at work on the next square…

At work the charity for June is Relay for Life. I'm sure I haven't remembered everyone's name here...

I posted on Facebook that I like to have a mixed drink after work – orange sparkling water & about 3 oz. of Fresca. I’m such a wild woman!

I’m sure you’ll be glad to know that our yard is just as silly as always.      

Saturday, June 6th                
I got the bright idea to take a walk at a local cemetery. I must admit that it was more of an amble than a cardio event. Next time I’ll just take a couple of pictures. Maybe. We’ll see – it’s a big place with a lot to see!

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. As usual, I'm most intrigued with your lunch pictures. And don't like Wasa bread? Hrrrmmmpppfff. Of course, once I had a Wasa bread sandwich for lunch at work, with lunch meat and Swiss cheese on it, and a co-worker thought I was crazy eating a graham cracker sandwich like that. Ha!

    I'm curious to see if your seeds grow. Let me know, because I have some herb seeds that I got for free at some event. It was many, many years ago; I can't even remember if it was an event in Florida or one when we still lived in South Carolina...

  2. Ha -- I love the "Knights Who Say Ni" shirt!! "Bring Us a Shrubbery"! Ha!

    Hope your seeds grow. The crocheted (knitted?) squares look terrific!

  3. Cemetery walk. . . a fawn, really?
    Always love your silly critters.
    Love your T-shirt message,
    and square color choices!

  4. love all your crochet squares. and I wish we could grow peonies down here. it either gets too hot or it doesn't get cold enough. can't remember which.

  5. i must try and get a Knights who say Ni t-shirt

  6. i must try and get a Knights who say Ni t-shirt

  7. S.S. Minnow?

    If I were to adopt that theme I'd probably have to put R.M.S. Titanic on my car.

  8. You are a wild woman. I haven't tasted Fresca in years. I have white peonies at my new house. They are white. I had pink at my old house.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Six

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen.  Sunday, February 2nd       Ran out of yarn at the end of t...