Sunday, August 23, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Thirty-four

The week I took a trip…
Sunday, August 16th     
We had a marriage recommitment service at church today.


I left for our corporate office in Delaware on Monday. Sunday night I got a wild hair that I needed to put some sort of tag on my suitcase so I would recognize it in a lineup. Ha!

Monday, August 17th   
Seen around the yard…

Waiting in the airport. I took some tomatoes to my boss.             

Tuesday, August 18th                
Some coworkers at our Delaware office took me on a walk to a local market where I picked up a fabulous salad. I loved the birdhouses along the river. They were all modeled after famous buildings – Christina’s World is from the painting of the same name.

That evening my boss had a cookout for everyone – I love what she did for her daughter’s nursery.

Wednesday, August 19th         
Seen in the Philadelphia airport on my way home. I was SO TEMPTED to get a Pope for my own self :)

Thursday, August 20th      
Seen around the yard.

Friday, August 21st  
The campus rock that gets repainted every semester is a minion right now – love it!


The moon…

Saturday, August 22nd    
We had a visit from a Carolina Wren. Isn’t it cute & scruffy?

Our nocturnal kitty is back.

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We had a marriage recommitment service at church today.

    Congrats! A few years back one of my wife's friends did the same thing. Actually they went for the whole shebang including honeymoon and came back exclaiming how much it had did for her and her husband. One Saturday after they returned she stopped by the house to talk with my wife. I was in the den playing on the computer and the friend started telling my wife that she and I should do the same. My wife seemed interested in the idea and even asked in her patented deadly serious tone if there was an option for a husband upgrade.

    My wife's friend was struck silent for a couple for seconds then they both busted out in laughter. Frankly I did see the humor but when in Rome...

  3. Dana, how delightful to see that photo of you both in the little church. So, like Beach Bum above, I offer my congratulations too.

    You're what we in England call a "dab hand" with your camera work. Some lovely and varied shots, which must have taken you ages to put on your blog.

    Do hope you are keeping fit and well. Kindest regards, Phil

  4. Minions are everywhere! Well, not here so much but everywhere else! :)
    That was a really cute idea for the nursery that you friend had.
    Looks like a fun week!

  5. Love that Minion rock, the Pope dolls and your clever and creative luggage tags.

  6. cute luggage tags. I just have about an 8" length of chain stitch in multicolored yarn tied to my handle. great week of pics.

  7. Looks like another great week. thanks for sharing it with us.

  8. Your hummingbird pictures are much better than mine.

  9. Now that's a new critter on your blog. Don't wanna mess with him!
    Love the smile on the Pope figurines.
    Clever idea painting the campus rock each semester.
    And you are so clever and creative with your crochet-addiction ;) !

  10. LOL at the Pope doll...they certainly have his expression down pat.

    And the Carolina wren definitely has attitude!

  11. I'm so confused...what does the word "hair" in this sentence mean?

    Sunday night I got a wild hair that I needed to put some sort of tag on my suitcase so I would recognize it in a lineup.

    Is this a dialect thing that I'm not aware of? A Southern thing? Now I'm fascinated.

  12. those pope dolls are cool. You can buy them over the internet - but only if you have Pay-Pal infallibility (badum-tish, here all week folks, try the fish)

  13. those pope dolls are cool. You can buy them over the internet - but only if you have Pay-Pal infallibility (badum-tish, here all week folks, try the fish)


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