Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Squirrel Wednesday


  1. If you can't feed a hundred squirrels, then feed just one...

  2. You and Steve ( need to get together.

  3. We actually bought a special squirrel feeder -- and the squirrels can't figure out how to get into it!

  4. Go home squirrel, you're acting drunk.

  5. OPUSLUST licence plate, eh? Penguin fantasy never made it's way to my calendar, but ok.
    Squirrel acrobatics are good, makes us wish we had tails for balance, and claws for grip.

  6. I can't help it. I'm a fan of the critters. I've always thought they were cute, but then I raised one, and found out they're smart, too. Smarter than me, actually. I miss my little fellow from time to time -- had him for eight years, which sometimes felt like an eternity. He loved watching Letterman, and orange popsicles.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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