This week was a good bit calmer
than last week – although of course I still have too many pictures. Dr. M
helped me out by posting some on his page – you definitely want to go check it
out, here.
You especially don’t want to miss the silly cardinal pictures.
September 20th
went to the Wool Gathering today – a local fiber arts festival. Here's my first purchase. Don’t you think
the sheep on this t-shirt looks a little maniacal?
hat was VERY impressive!!
didn’t count my meandering at the festival as a walk, so I took my real walk
after my nearly 2 hour nap when I got home :)
September 21st
Our Knock-Out Rose, Miss
I needed a change purse to match
my new shoulder bag, so I made one. It’s a little lumpy & odd, but it does
the job. Although it doesn’t actually match my new bag. Hmm…
Dr. M fixed the lawn mower –
both handles had broken, so he reinforced it with some spare parts and about a
gallon of duct tape. (Oh, you didn’t know duct tape comes in gallons?) It works better than ever now!
The moon!
September 22nd
I had a meeting at the local library. As I was leaving I saw this bulletin board in the lobby. Made me
pause for a second…
Dr. M knows I love a field of hay
September 23rd
My daily walk.
I thought my salad was so pretty
that I had to take a picture (there’s spinach somewhere under there).
The moon!
September 24th
Square #1 of Pattern #19. Fun!
I took a brief walk around the
building at work, being a typical person with my head in my phone playing a
word game. When I got back to my office I dropped my phone on my desk &
then noticed this message – ha!
I needed to scan in Dr. M’s passport
photo & decided to do mine too. We are both agreed – mug shots!
September 25th
My daily walk.
My one Black Eyed Susan is doing
so well – so much fun!
Square #2 of Pattern #19.
September 26th
the yard – so pretty around here these days!
Square #3
of Pattern #20 (Yep – I sat around & crocheted all day. No cleaning, no
laundry – just left the house once, to take my walk. It was bliss!)
My daily
walk – the tiny little toad edition. I must have seen 20 (no exaggeration!). I
had to turn on my phone flashlight to make sure I didn’t step on any of them.
When I
got back I started a new project (a pocket for my new purse). I used the wooden
crochet hook I bought at the Wool Gathering on Sunday. I love it! So smooth
& lovely…
Hope everyone has a great week!