Monday, September 21, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Thirty-eight

What a crazy weekend! I came home both days & took long naps – which is why I’m just now posting this. Dr. M also has a post today – go here to check it out (there’s just a bit of overlap).
Sunday, September 13th     
Around the yard…

I started & finished square #4 of pattern #17.

Monday, September 14th     
Square #1 of pattern #18.

Tuesday, September 15th                  
Hello there!

The moon!

Wednesday, September 16th           
My daily walk – I’m walking in the dark most evenings.

Square #2 of pattern #18 (this one whipped up pretty quickly).

Thursday, September 17th       
My daddy’s birthday! Here he is looking nerdly handsome in his high school senior picture.

Our Ohio – soybean field and late sunflower crop. This field will be glorious in a few weeks.

Meanwhile, my odd little flower is starting to look like the Black-Eyed Susan that it is…

The moon!

Square #3 of pattern #18.

Friday, September 18th   
I finished my bag! Well, it’s mostly done – after carrying it for a few days I’ve decided I want to shorten the strap (I want to wear it as a messenger bag, but it’s still too long for that). And I want to add at least one inside pocket. Once I figure out how. I’m not lining it because I don’t sew.

Look – it’s a real Black-Eyed Susan now! (Sorry for the crappy iPhone photo)

The moon!

Saturday, September 19th    
I had anti-racism training at our local Episcopal retreat center. I walked the labyrinth during a break.

Driving home. It was a beautiful day!


The moon!

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. LOL at Sunday's pole dancing squirrel!

  2. The squirrels seem to think you erected that barn/feeder for them.

  3. Hailey's birthday is the day after your Daddy's. I love all your crochet work. I went for a walk tonight and took a picture of my shoes. LOL Thank you for sharing your week Dana.

  4. I love the squirrel shimmying up the feeder pole. Hilarious. And that toad is so interesting -- he looks a bit red. Sunburn?

  5. An absolutely charming and handsome toad. Here in NEO, I am still sadly toadless. I could not be more bereft.

  6. great photos as ever - the hovering bird and the deer are fab

  7. I always enjoy your week. Sorry it's getting dark so soon.

  8. Love the bag and the peeping deer!

  9. Your bag is fabulous! I cannot believe how much product you produce!! Maybe try for a hot glue gun for the lining? Stapler?? :)

  10. that little white flower in the first that a clematis? I've seen it in other pictures people have posted. love the black-eyed-susan.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...