Tuesday, September 8, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Thirty-six

We took a really quick trip to NC over Labor Day – drove down on Friday & back yesterday. I’m still recuperating (and poor Dr. M had to go teach from 9:30 – 7:30 today!)
Sunday, August 30th     
Dr. M saw a nighthawk!

The moon…

Monday, August 31st    
At first I thought that my mowing shoes were kaput, but now I’ve decided that if I'm careful, they’ll live until the end of mowing season. I already have another old pair of tennis shoes picked out to succeed these :)

Square #2 of pattern #17.           

Tuesday, September 1st                 
My daily walk.

Wednesday, September 2nd          
Squirrel Wednesday…

This chickadee is looking in the window to make sure there’s some seed in there.

Our annual choir potluck & first rehearsal of the season.

As usual, I didn’t manage my time very well & took my walk in the dark. It always takes me a few weeks to get organized after choir starts.

Thursday, September 3rd       
I was given these penguins for my birthday a couple of years ago – I finally decided to use them with my work key & security fob.

Square #3 of pattern 17 – and I decided to take a break & start something different for the holiday weekend.

Friday, September 4th   
I was sorting out a birthday gift for a friend before we left for NC.

My daily walk – at the Jackson Ferry Shot Tower in Virginia.

Saturday, September 5th    
Dr. M took these pictures at my dad’s house. Web-a-licious!

This is Dr. M’s dad’s cat – my caption for the photo is Carolina Cat Don’t Care!


I took a walk with my dad late in the evening…

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Your commitment to walking is astounding. I would talk myself out of it each and every evening, particularly after dark!

    How does Dr. M have his camera at the ready for a hawk?? Impressive!

    1. The nighthawks kept circling overhead. Bug was mowing the whole time. I had time to run into the house and grab my camera. I took many pics...these are the best of them. There were 3-4 nighthawks! They actually aren't hawks...really just oversized swifts, but they are beautiful bug-eaters.

  2. Love those pictures of the nighthawk.

    1. Thanks! They obliged by coming over with plenty of light...usually one hears them but can't really see them at twilight.

  3. Love the birthday gift arrangement!
    Cool cat!

  4. Love the nighthawk pics! And the chickadee looks like he's at a fast food drive through. I'll have the seeds and a side order of ground corn.

  5. What a treat to see the great photographs of the night hawks. Alas, I fear you may have to bring out the next pair of mowing shoes for safety's sake.

    1. We'll try Nance's glue repair first...but I may have to sneak and throw them away, lol!

  6. Those shoes can go on for a while. Just get a tube of DAP StrongSTIK. That stuff is a miracle glue. I use it for everything, and as long as one surface is porous, it will stick stuff together forever.

    Squeeze a few lines of this glue on your shoe, then weigh it down with something heavy for a few hours. The next day, good as new! You can get it at Home Depot or Lowe's for about $4.

    1. Picked up some at Meijer today...we have several repair jobs for which this should be useful!

  7. It is good of you two to make these trips to NC to see your dad. Bravo.

    1. Thanks...we do make the effort to visit every few months. Our fathers are good men and true, and we cherish our time with them.


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