Tuesday, October 6, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Forty

This week we had the moon and Medieval Wednesday (sort of like Medieval Monday, but on Wednesday instead).
Sunday, September 27th     
Dr. M had to get out his medieval weaponry to make sure everything was in order – trebuchet & torsion catapult.

We’ve seen a few hummingbirds this week. Dudes – it’s time to head south!

Blood moon! Dr. M took some great pictures of the eclipse. Check them out here.

Monday, September 28th     
Just-past-midnight Super Moon!

Juvenile cardinal – they make me laugh.

I finished square #4 of pattern #19. I was interested in how different it looked depending on how many colors I used.

Tuesday, September 29th                    
Dr. M dressed as a super hero for spirit week.

That evening he built his siege towers.

Wednesday, September 30th             
Medieval Wednesday!

I have a friend going through some rough times right now. I decided that she needed a heart.

Thursday, October 1st  
Campus deer.

Friday, October 2nd    
Had a meeting at our Diocesan headquarters this morning. I sat across from a wall ‘o Bishops.

Our neighbor decorated for Halloween, so Dr. M put out our new flag.

My daily walk.

Saturday, October 3rd     
Around the yard – so pretty around here these days!

I started working on Square #1 of Pattern #20. I’m not too sure about this one – either it’s weird, or I am (all right – ya'll can stop laughing now).

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. love all your crocheted squares. I'd never be able to keep track of what I was doing.

  2. What a sweet gift the heart is. Your friend will love it. Our hummingbirds are still hanging around, too.

  3. I think I'd feel a bit uncomfortable sitting in front of a wall of bishops. I'd have to be on my best behavior.

  4. Great crocheted squares; you're very talented!

  5. I love the heart for your friend! Did she get the Snoopy thing, too? LOL at the siege towers!

    1. Thanks! I am a bit of a nut, like my pet squirrels...

  6. Haven't seen hummingbirds around here. Now the bees have taken over the feeder.

  7. That heart is just wonderful! And I really enjoyed your wall o'Bishops, too. I just found out that one of my readers is a descendent of Nicholas Ridley, Bishop of London and Westminster, and martyr (along with Thomas Cranmer and Hugh Latimer, all of whom were burned at that stake.) How's that for history? It's pretty interesting stuff, which you can read about here.

  8. Medieval Day looks fun! I remember that trebuchet from before.

    Your hummingbird looks similar to the one Sharon photographed in Arizona:


    Maybe some of them HAVE gone south?

    I love your Snoopy-Woodstock desk toy.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...