Monday, March 14, 2016

Monday Miscellaney

Well, I have quite the slate of miscellaneous items for you today. Let's get right to it, shall we?

First, I just finished the most hilarious book. Its brand of humor is probably not for everyone, but I totally enjoyed it. It's a murder mystery, by Mark Schweizer, and the main character is the chief of police of a small NC mountain town. He is also the organist at the local Episcopal church, a millionaire, and a wannabe whodunnit author in the style of Raymond Chandler. The book I just finished, The Mezzo Work Mink, is the 6th in the series. So funny.

Today I posted the last of the seven day nature challenge pictures. Here's a collage, featuring (in no particular order): Pansies from my dad's yard, a stone garden ornament from his yard, moss from Dr. M's dad's yard, Pinky McPinkerson yearning for spring, a daylily shoot from our yard, and an actual crocus from our back yard!

The other day I went into the Rite Aid & did a double take. What the heck? I looked closer and these gentlemen are solar garden lights! I am so excited - totally going to go back & pick up a couple for our yard.

On Thursday I posted this Throwback Thursday picture on Facebook. I love how solemn we all look. And someone should have told me to stand up straight!

Yesterday I went to meet some fellow Ohio Temperature Blanket ladies, but for a variety of reasons I was the only one to show. I stayed for a bit working on another project (a special request braided cowl - she wanted pink & white). Then I went to buy more yarn. Ha!

Speaking of crochet, here is square #2 of pattern #5. Now that I have more yarn I'll get started on this pattern in my third blanket's colors. 

So, how was your week?


  1. Those garden lights -- ha!

    I found a couple of pink geranium plants in my neighbor's lawn recycling bag, roots and all. I grabbed them and put them in a pot. We may have our own pinky mypinkerson soon!

    1. Awesome! They are so hearty...good luck, my friend!

  2. if you aren't doing your week in a post anymore at least I have Monday Miscellany.

  3. Lots of sitting by the phone for you guys...tough times!

    Truly can't believe how much product you put out...your local yarn store should name a yarn after you!

    Go pinky, go!

    1. Pinky is thriving! I've spent so much of my life sitting by the phone...thank you for understanding! So tough...

  4. Those dwarfs look like they have a drinking problem.

  5. Those solar lights are a hoot. I remember those posed studio pictures. I have a couple of those with myself, H and my son. We all look so uncomfortable. So funny. Great nature pix.

  6. I just went and bought the first in the liturgical mystery series. I love a good mystery that makes me laugh :)
    I am in awe of your crochet wizardry! I would some day like to become proficient enough to supply my insatiable need for crocheted dish cloths. Once you've used one of those, you can't go back to regular dish cloths.

    1. I hope you enjoyed the book - I'm into the next one on my list, but I got sidetracked by a couple of library books I have to read first.

    2. Oh - & dish clothes were the first things I learned how to make!

  7. My week was sort of all crammed into one day when we visited a Buddhist shrine, a trout hatchery, and had a picnic. It was a great day though.

  8. I like those solar lights! While my neighbors might think those statues are cute, for reasons I can't figure out they get strangely upset if they see me outside doing yard work with a beer in hand.

  9. Replies
    1. Yep - and we're enjoying the G-man quite a bit now :)

  10. The solar lights are funny. I'd laugh every time I saw them.

    1. We have one in the back yard now and I DO laugh every time I see him :)

  11. Loved the pictures. The solar lights made me laugh out loud. I have a thing for solar lights...I am not sure the parsonage committee would like them in front of my house....although...there is always the back yard. LOL Happy St. Paddy's Day!

    1. We're keeping ours in the back yard (for now anyway).


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