Monday, May 9, 2016

Monday Monday...

Let's see, I think I might have some things to talk about... hmmm... I could talk about the Braves' miserable season, or the fact that I've had to use BLUE yarn twice recently on my temperature blanket (blue = 44-53 degrees - brrr!). Or I could talk about the fact that I'm doing Weight Watchers again (did I tell you?) and I'm averaging losing 1.35 pounds per week which is pretty textbook. At this rate I'll be at my goal weight by... Wait a minute - telling you that would tell you how many pounds I have to lose. Which I won't mind telling after I've lost the weight.

We received this clock at a wedding gift. (I could tell you who gave it to me, but I can't find my box of index cards that has our wedding gifts listed - it's in this house somewhere & if Dr. M weren't grading papers I'd insist he find it for me. Ha!) Anyway, I think it's a great clock & I've enjoyed it in all of our homes. For the past several years it's been temperamental. Every time the time changed we had to replace the battery. This year, finally, it lost its mind. I guess a 25 year old clock is allowed to become senile. Dr. M performed the battery changing ritual & set the time. Later we would notice that it had reverted back to the old time. Dr. M would set it again. Again, it would lose an hour & then just stay there. I suppose it was Done with daylight savings time.

So I bought a new one. It makes me smile.

To complete the random, here are updated pictures of the blankets in progress.

The end.


  1. The clock in that first picture is identical to the one I'm looking at in our living room.

  2. I like your new clock, but I wonder if the old one is really broken. Is it one of those automatically setting ones? Maybe it's just confused about whether it's Daylight Saving Time or not. It's weird that it would repeatedly be off by just an hour.

  3. Well done Mr. Clock for the 25 years of good work :)

  4. I do like the new clock. My antique mantel clock which bongs on the hour and half hour has lost it's resonance. instead of a nice deep vibrating bong now it just sort of clunks. and the black, gray, and turquoise blanket is definitely my favorite.

  5. I remember when you had to wind a clock to keep it running. Wait a minute! I probably just told you once again how old I am!

  6. Luv the new clock and the colorful blankets!

  7. I like the new clock. It was a good choice. I have an old clock that belonged to my parents. H put new guts in it about 25 years ago. I wonder when we'll have to replace the new guts? Those blankets are going to be beautiful. You'll need them if your weather doesn't get with the program for summer.


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