Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Wordless Wednesday (Flowers from Daddy & Amy's Yard)


  1. yellow and purple seem to be the colors of the day or was until you slipped in that pink.

  2. Thanks for brightening my morning with these magnificent pictures.

  3. Beautiful! We have some of these same flowers, but your Dad's seem to be farther along than ours. (Not a surprise since he's farther south!)

  4. As the English punster said as he stared at the Grand Canyon "Gorgeous!"

  5. Your flowers are beautiful. Here in Texas (and maybe Louisiana, and maybe some other places) the iris are called flags. A flag pond isn't a pond with a flagpole next to it. It's a pond edged with iris. These are particularly beautiful, although the pansies make me smile, too.

  6. My irises are blooming, too, but I don't have any pansies. They are so pretty. And I don't have azaleas, unless you count that pitiful, little thing that barely blooms in the backyard. Still, it is an azalea... barely.


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