Friday, October 14, 2016

Things I Did Instead of Writing a Blog Post

1. I went on a Vestry retreat & stayed in my usual room. For obvious reasons. The retreat center has a new labyrinth, with a watch cat. Very nice!

2. I crocheted some things. The temperature monster is still on track to be 10 feet long. 

These are two different square patterns - I didn't realize how similar they looked until I put them together here.

First attempt at a Batman logo - now that I understand the pattern better I think the next one will look a little better.
3. Put some bling in the yard & on the Daisy-mobile. 

4. Grew a pokeberry bush (actually, it's been growing all summer - I just took its picture this week). I know, I know - they are quite UN ideal to have in the yard, but look - purple! I think it's lovely. Ha!

5. Voted. I think that's probably the Most Important Thing of All. 

Next, in hopefully less than a month, pictures that Dr. M took while I wasn't blogging!


  1. I've been pinning all sorts of things about those weather blankets... how are you doing yours? A row a day or 2 rows? its SO LONG!! Cant wait to see the color start changing again at the end ;)

  2. Your temperature afghan is fabulous. Really. I love it. Your pokeberry reminded me of the time my brother and I convinced my cousin that pokeberries were delicious. My aunt almost killed us. Ha! Thanks for the memory.

  3. Glad to see you posted again. I've missed your posts.

    So where will the temperature blanket end up - on your couch? Bed?

  4. The Batman emblem is awesome! Great yard bling as well. My wife and I have to skip such displays here in South Carolina. The small Hillary bumper sticker she had on her car was recently peeled off and taken by some unknown knucklehead.

    1. I have the feeling things would be that way in my home county in NC.

  5. I love your blog title! You did much more than I could report with a good conscience. I spend much too much time on fb and playing free cell. You, at least, were productive! Glad to see a Hill sign up. There are very few in the places I have traveled of late. Not a surprise in TN, but CT is a blue state. On behalf of the rest of us, thank you! Is there a reason you're doing batman?

  6. Our early voting starts here on Oct 24. It's funny how few political yard signs and bumper stickers I've seen this year. It's like both sides are scared to admit their preference for fear of getting mugged.

    1. Right?!? We're lucky because we live in town. But seriously, even in our neighborhood very few have signs. There are more Trump signs out in farm country.

  7. I haven't put out a Clinton sign. I don't think anyone in my neighborhood would deface it or trash it but Trump is a deal killer and I'd just as soon not know which of my neighbors support him. all of them probably, and I am just getting to know them.

  8. That temperature monster looks like just the thing to drape over your car to keep it warm this winter!

  9. Never saw a crocheted Bat Signal! Make a bunch and have a Theme Christmas Tree!

    I'm voting this week. For Her.

  10. I love your pokeberry! They look like they SHOULD be delicious, don't they? And bravo for your political "bling." The NYT recently carried an article about a reporter driving through the midwest and not seeing any Clinton signs. So I like to know there are, in fact, some out there. :)


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

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