Saturday, February 25, 2017

2017 Project 365 – Week Eight

Still in Ohio. Still busy packing & cleaning. And with the added bonus of either a cold or an allergic reaction to all the dust. Aaaaccchhhoooo! We’re heading south with our remaining possessions on Tuesday.
Sunday, February 19th      
Part of today’s message at church, from Leviticus.

We had our annual meeting today, and I turned over the reins to the next Senior Warden. And they had a cake for me!

Monday, February 20th           
My morning commute – it was like this all the way to work!

I was packing up the personal stuff from my office. I’m still proud of these affirmations that I did (scroll down to January 11th).

Tuesday, February 21st                            
We had dinner Tuesday evening with our neighbors. They’ve been so good to us! We’ll sure miss them. (Ruth is laughing because I told them to act like they like each other - and they must because they celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary recently.)

Wednesday, February 22nd                    
Book club! Next month we’ll have two heads in computers - & mine will be one of them!

Thursday, February 23rd     
Oops – woke the Furby up while I was trying to pack him!

It’s a woodpecker, the Board of Directors (sparrows), and a nuthatch taking wing.

Friday, February 24th       
The only picture either of us took today – evidence that SOMEONE was trying to get into the recycle bin. They would have been pretty disappointed – that bin only has “clean” trash in it.

Saturday, February 25th         
Today we had lunch at Skyline Chili – I’ll miss this place! This is a four-way with beans.

Did anyone notice that last week I had two February 17ths? Ha! Hope everyone has a great week!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

2017 Project 365 – Week Seven

I am not at all sure what state I’m in (and you can read that any way you’d like). My life is currently a bit messy, which is uncomfortable for me (and this time I’m talking metaphorically, because heaven knows by all appearances I have no issues with a messy house). But in 9 days I’ll be heading south, and my life will become simpler and more complicated. Fun times!

Sunday, February 12th      
I laughed at the Gospel lesson today because I had just colored my hair the night before. Ha!

Thursday was “Large Item Trash Pickup,” so we put a few things out on the curb, including little red, the frankenmower (the one I had to duct tape together). Forty-five minutes later I went to take a picture of it out there on the curb, but it was already gone. I’m glad it’s getting used instead of taken to the dump! A couple of days later this microwave cart was gone too.

Monday, February 13th           
Today Dr. M drove down to NC to do some things, including get our cable/internet hooked up and leave the Bugly down there. Here are his travelling companions.

Tuesday, February 14th                           
As we were apart today, our Valentine’s days weren’t all that romantic. I spent the evening cleaning out my closet. This is some of the clothing I decided to give away.

Wednesday, February 15th                    
Dr. M spent some time with his father today, and some time doing his favorite thing. I’m very happy that our new house has excellent bird watching venues.

Meanwhile, that night Ms. Pinky & were preparing to get some sleep.

Thursday, February 16th    

Friday, February 17th       
Today I drove down to NC to get Dr. M. This was my traveling companion. Ha!

Saturday, February 17th         
And today we drove back to Ohio. So, I guess I’m in Ohio right now. Good to know!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

2017 Project 365 – Week Six

As promised, there aren’t as many pictures this week. We got a lot accomplished, but most of it wasn’t really picture-worthy (although some of the dust bunnies are pretty amazing – I probably SHOULD record them for posterity).
Sunday, February 5th      
I took the temperature monster to NC and ALMOST finished it (left the red yarn I needed at home - what. the. heck.) So between Superbowl commercials I worked on a project I started a year ago. I'm looking forward to finishing up some UFOs this year!

Monday, February 6th           
We took a couple of big boxes and 14 cloth grocery bags full of books down to NC last week, but as you can see, we still have a few more… and these aren’t the ones that we’re giving away.

Tuesday, February 7th                           
Miss Rita (the Vermillion geranium) is still blooming.

Wednesday, February 8th                    
It was a cheesy grits, eggs, & sheepy jammies kind of night.

Thursday, February 9th    
Went to the church office to sign some checks & saw this dude sitting on top of the trash bin. His tail was just blowing in the wind.

Friday, February 10th       
The moon!

Saturday, February 11th         
This dusting mitt has been invaluable as we’ve been cleaning stuff off of shelves. It’s a leftover from my Flylady days (go here if you’d like to read about this cleaning cult – ha!).

Back in 2013 I spent the year recording happy things that happened & dropping the slips of paper into a vase. It was fun to reread them today.

Hope everyone has a great week!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

2017 Project 365 – Week Five

We spent most of this week in North Carolina. So far, I love our new home & living so close to family. As you might expect, I’m back to my bad habit of posting way more than one picture per day. Don’t worry – that won’t happen every week!
Sunday, January 29th      
We (meaning Dr. M), packed late into the evening.

Monday, January 30th           
I just got one picture of the interior of the truck – looking pretty typical for us. We got a bigger truck than we really needed because it was the same price as the smaller one, and came with a ramp. If we'd had about four more people helping we probably could have filled it up. 

Dr. M set off down the road about 40 minutes before I did. He took these pictures. I was a good girl and did NOT try to take pictures. (Actually, I was so involved in my audio book that I barely knew I was driving. Oops!)

Tuesday, January 31st                           
We signed the lease on the new house today & I took random photos of things that I found interesting – like the radio/cassette sound system (plays in the living area & the bedroom), and this super fabulous floor lamp!

Wednesday, February 1st                   
We unloaded the truck today. Dr. M & my 76 year old father did most of the heavy lifting. (OK, they did ALL the heavy lifting). My dad’s a hoss! His new fiancé, Sue, helped a lot too!

I was feeling pretty pleased about being in NC instead of Ohio. When we were loading the truck on Sunday it was spitting snow! This was a nice change.

Thursday, February 2nd   
Dr. M spent some time bird watching – female cardinal and male yellow bellied sap sucker. We LOVE this tree in our back yard! We’re about 99% sure that it’s a white oak, but we’ll see what its leaves tell us in the spring. I didn’t take a picture of it, but we have a nice deck where I think Dr. M will probably just live all the time.

Friday, February 3rd      
We built a little fire in our fireplace. Dr. M is going to enjoy messing with it, since the fire pit went to the great pit in the sky.

Saturday, February 4th         
We drove back to Ohio today. I almost wrote “home” – and I guess it still is for a few more weeks. I still love “Our Ohio.”

Hope everyone has a great week! (P.S. I haven’t read blogs in a while. We didn't have internet at the house, and very spotty cell reception. Hopefully I’ll get around to everyone sometime.)

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...