Sunday, April 23, 2017

2017 Project 365 – Week Sixteen

I accomplished a major goal yesterday – I excavated the piano so that I could actually sit down and play the unfamiliar hymn that we were going to sing at the nursing home today. I was pretty pleased with myself. Of course, some of the excavating was just taking boxes and putting them under chairs, so I do still have to empty them. However, my post this week isn’t really about any of that.
Sunday, April 16th         
Easter! I enjoyed singing the good old Easter hymns at the nursing home & then singing some new ones at the church I’ve been attending. Then I went to lunch at my uncle & aunt’s house. One of my great joys in moving back to NC is getting to spend time with my cousin Kim. We basically grew up together, went to college together, went to seminary – she introduced me to Dr. M. She will probably kill me for posting this, but it shows her personality pretty well. 

(Note: the video works on my computer, but not my mobile devices, so here is a picture of the end of her twirl.) 

Here is the whole crew. My uncle & aunt had three girls, and there are seven grandchildren. And their yard is full of gorgeous azaleas right now!

Monday, April 17th            
The other thing I excavated was my gazelle! Before we moved I had been talking about graduating to a treadmill, which would give more of a workout. But the move was hard on my hip, and I haven’t been walking regularly, so I’m back to basics again for a while. I’m happy to report that I actually got more than 10,000 steps on two days.

Tuesday, April 18th                              
Sunday & Monday were warmer than it has been, so it was my first opportunity to use the color for the 70s temperature range in my scarf. Oh man – that green was hurting my eyes! It just seemed so jarring & not in keeping with the rest of the color palette. So I switched it out. Not sure I like the new color very much either, but it’s at least a little less shocking.

Wednesday, April 19th                    
Dinner. (That’s Dr. M’s plate – I don’t do coleslaw.)

Charlie Horse – he’s living in front of the fireplace for the summer. We had to replace his Santa hat with something a little more seasonable. (You might recall that Dr. M's father made him.)

Thursday, April 20th                      
Dr. M looked out today & saw a squirrel on the suet feeder. What the heck little dude – I don’t think you can actually get any food out of there!

I mowed the yard & had been inside for about 10 minutes when the deluge struck. This is the season of afternoon rainstorms – I was lucky to get the yard mowed at all!

Friday, April 21st       
Squee! We have baby birds! Our Eastern Phoebes have hatched. Also, we have a lot of these guys hanging around – five lined skinks!

We went to BurgerFi again tonight. I got the veggie burger again. I love those things. Dr. M got the Conflicted Burger – it has a veggie patty & a regular hamburger patty on it. He also ordered the Cry & Fry, which came with these huge onion rings! I only ate one of them – that was practically a meal all on its own. So, the State of the Bug – about to eat an onion ring (almost) as big as my head.

Saturday, April 22nd          
Flowers in the yard.

During the aforementioned piano excavation, I found this! I had totally forgotten about it. It was a gift from Dr. M’s mom. You know, she also gave us a couple of collectable dolls – I need to set up a tea party. Ha!

I can’t believe it’s Sunday evening & that another work week is about to start. My commute is a killer – shuffling through the living room back to my office.  Do you have any big plans this week?


  1. Great pictures, and I'm sure I've never encountered an onion ring that big. It looks like an edible hoola hoop.

    1. I know! You should have seen my eyes when I saw it!

  2. Conflicted Burger... now that made me laugh!

    We are desperately waiting for our season of afternoon rainstorms. Right now, we're in a severe drought and wildfires are popping up all over. Our county even made the national news today because of the fires. Send some rain this way!

    Will we get to see a video of you playing the piano?

    1. The conflicted burger made me laugh too. I hope you get some rain soon!! And, no, probably no video of me playing the piano - it's been YEARS since I played regularly (and I kind of sucked even then).

  3. Always meant to plant some azaleas bushes in my yard. Never got around to it and now it honestly seem more trouble than its worth. Instead I go to the state capital grounds in Columbia, those azaleas are awesome.

    1. Yeah - I want some azaleas here, but it will be next year before we bother.

  4. I'm loving getting acquainted with your new life, and you're inspiring me to do some daily documenting as a way to savor what occurs in my own. Hope this is a great week!

    1. Just yesterday we were trying to remember something & I was able to find it on my blog. I'm annoyed that I didn't do P365 last year because now that year will be a black hole...

  5. baby birds and bougainvillea and cousins!

  6. Love the skinks and azaleas and baby birds! Spring has definitely sprung!

    1. It has - & if it will quit raining we can go back to enjoying it!

  7. How can you live in Carolina and not like cole slaw? What on earth do you pile on your pulled pork sandwiches? (p.s. I don't put cole slaw on my BBQ sandwiches either but I do like it on the side.)

    1. When I was a child, slaw was often our "green vegetable" at dinner. I had to eat ONE BITE before I left the table. Yuck!

  8. Blink, blink, I'm a skink...blink blink I'm a skink! And I love my slaw...sorry, not sorry. Slaw dogs, slaw on BBQ, yadayadayada...

    1. You are a nut. But you gave me the idea for my next blog post, so thanks!

  9. It's only 6:15am and I could eat all those onion rings - every single one. Charlie Horse is way cool. Cousin Kim looks like a fun, fun friend!

    1. Kim is a great friend. It's nearly 9:00 at night & I could eat an onion ring now!

  10. Hello my friend....long time no see. I loved your pictures. It is good to be back among the world of the living.

  11. Oh, the irony of your gazelle picture...

    1. Snicker! I thought of you when I posted it because I was sure you'd catch the Bug in bed in the mirror :)

  12. Love your pics!
    --your reflection in the mirror, ha!
    --the flowers in your yard, you call them bougainvillea, In Argentina they are Santa Ritas!
    --love the Charlie Horse and the tea set!
    Agree with you that color fits best with the others on the scarf. So, you get to decide what color you assign to each temperature, then.

    1. I was amused at myself taking a picture with me in the mirror. And of course those flowers are Santa Ritas - they're as pretty as you!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

I’d like to blame the current administration for the state of my nails, but in fact they break off every year at this time. It’s like they d...