Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Bug Estate

The other day I walked around the house & took pictures of all the areas where I want to plant things. They're rather scruffy right now - we thought we'd see what (if anything) comes up before we plant anything & apparently what comes up are weeds. I thought it would be really cool to show you all of our weedy potential flower beds.

 Around back, we do have something coming up. We're just not sure what it is yet.

Any suggestions on what to plant? All of these areas get full sun for most of the day. Do you think, if I work very hard (not likely), I can make my yard look like this?

One of my recent jigsaw puzzles
I also thought it would be fun to compare where we used to live to where we live now - big difference! Although, to be fair, just outside of Xenia, our area of Ohio looked very similar to that picture on the right.

(Note: have you guys noticed that I've been trying to respond to your comments? I know, I've tried before, but maybe this time I'll actually keep it up.)


  1. If you can make you yard/beds look like that park scene, you're definitely a better gardener than I am. :)

  2. Such a nice looking house. i hope you guys are happy there.

  3. Our new place looks like it could be in Hillbilly Hollow. And I'm not talking about your place in NoCar. Does anyone call it that?

    1. Yes...yes we do! This is said hollow, my friend...and we are at home. <3

  4. One of my few talents is the ability to grow weeds in my lawn. On second thought, it may be less a talent and more the fact that I have absolutely no motivation when it comes to yard work.

  5. Your garden looks full of potential and I'm sure you'll soon have lovely things growing there. The house looks lovely and is in a beautiful setting. Happy gardening and tackle it a bit at a time.

  6. Your new house is so nice, Bug. I really like it. You guys will whip those flower beds into shape in no time (I know how much work it really is). The previous occupants were not into gardening like you guys. We had to reclaim our yard, too. The house had been empty for two years. I look forward to seeing photos of how you and Dr. M put your own stamp on things in NC.

    1. Thanks! I think we'll be doing it rather slowly - but that's how we were in Ohio too, adding this or that each year until we had something really nice going.

  7. You're lucky with full sun. It gives you lots of options. Those rocks, though...looks like Work.

  8. Well, there's certainly a lot of potential there. It's weird that there are so many flower beds and so few plants! Those plants coming up look like bulbs of some kind -- I'd guess daffodils but I have no idea why there are no flowers. Maybe they've come and gone already?

    1. I think they'll bloom later - our landlord said that they're a lily of some kind. We'll see!

      We really need to borrow Dave for a few months. Ha!

  9. lots of potential there and lots of hard work. did you bring your day lily or do I need to send you another one?

    1. Yes - and as you know, I'm not really into hard work. We'll see how much gets done!

  10. Isnt it nice to have more space & land around you?

  11. ...if I work very hard (not likely)... So you're saying you're a better puzzle player than gardener? ;-)

    You always had such a nice garden and flowers in Ohio...I'm looking forward to see photos of what you'll be doing in North Carolina!

    1. I am TOTALLY a better puzzle player than gardener!

  12. I'm finally learning -- check and find out what flowers and plants are native to your area. They may be the same as in Ohio, but probably not entirely. The natives, I've found, tend to be sturdier and do better all around. It's going to be so great to see how things develop, as it begins to really be your home.

    1. Yes - it helps that we grew up here & have plenty of family to give us advice.

  13. Twas wise to wait and see what pops up first. We lived in a place that ws full of surprises come spring.
    Twill be fun to watch the "after" photos now that we've seen the "before."

    1. I'm excited to see what we end up accomplishing!


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