Monday, February 19, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Seven

We had another hard week – things at work are a bit tumultuous. There is a possible end in sight, but the next few weeks will continue to be tough.
Sunday, February 11th              
My only picture from the day – sometimes you just need to take a Sunday afternoon nap with a furry friend.

Monday, February 12th                         
Mexican food Monday with Daddy & Sue & family. It may not be lovely, but this is my new favorite thing – a chicken quesadilla with zucchini, mushrooms, black beans & cilantro. And just a bit of cheese. Ha!           

Tuesday, February 13th                                            
Another fascinating picture – this is a game I’ve been playing incessantly on my iPad. If I were you I would not get started on Seeker’s Notes. Just say no!

Wednesday, February 14th                                   
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Thursday, February 15th                                 
Oh the blanket business is just getting out of control. I decided to make another afghan with the aran yarn I was given the other week. So I’m making four blankets now. Here are the first two square patterns in my four colorways.

Friday, February 16th                         
It was WARM today! Dr. M sat out on the deck & worked on his tan. Ha!

Saturday, February 17th                            
I had the bright idea to make a baby cocoon to match the Fruity Pebbles hat I made last week, but I kept running out of yarn, so it’s sort of a (very soft) Frankencocoon. However, my 50 year old doll Wagons makes a fine model (I’d love to go back in time & ask my 3 year old self why I chose that name). I also made a pompom to use instead of a bow on the package. I may never buy another bow again – heaven knows I have enough yarn!

I drank the Facebook Kool-Aid & let this app show me what I would look like as a man. Well, I would look just like my brother! Pretty cool.

I’m hoping this week is a little easier. Do you have anything special going on?


  1. Well, I got to go to work today, which was pretty special. I think tomorrow will be ok, too -- then, the rain is going to move back in. I'm ready for it to move out. The only other special thing I can think of is the soup I picked up tonight at my neighborhood catering place: butternut squash/crab chowder.
    I had a hard time limiting myself, it was so good. But, I'm consoling myself with the knowledge that I can have it for supper tomorrow night, too. And once more after that. Yum!

  2. Your Valentine's Day picture is a keeper!

  3. I love your doll's name. Reminds me of Ramona Quimby who named her doll Chevrolet.

  4. new job and you step into turmoil. guess that's why they needed you. and that's a great Valentine's Day picture.

  5. Lovely look and I can see your face is thinner.
    Yummy Mexican meal!
    Prolific and perfect blanket squares.
    Pompom bows, great idea!
    Forbidden Seeker's Notes sounds enticing.

  6. Love the pompom idea for a package instead of a bow. Your Valentine's Day photo rocks. And your doll baby... ooh so cute. Bella

  7. ...sometimes you just need to take a Sunday afternoon nap with a furry friend.

    Just on the subject of naps, I have come to a point in my life that I now regret every one I passed up.

  8. The blanket squares look fantastic!

  9. I love your Valentine's Day pic! Seeker’s Notes, huh? I must check it out now.

    Hope the work turmoil ends soon! It's very stressful when you never know what to expect next.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...