Sunday, March 25, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Twelve

The temperatures keep saying otherwise, but we declare it to be spring around here! And by the way, I took the pictures for Sunday & Saturday, but Dr. M took the remaining ones. Which is a good thing or this post would be really short!
Sunday, March 18th               
I went mall walking with a leprechaun. While we were there, they were setting up to take pictures with the Easter Bunny, and there was a woman making balloon creations. She chased my dad down to give him this pot of gold wrist corsage – she loved his bow tie.

Monday, March 19th                         
The Roy, most likely rolling around in something disgusting. Happy dog!

Dr. M took lots of pictures of birds today, but this was my favorite. I wonder if this mockingbird is trying to court the bird on the flag?

Tuesday, March 20th                                            
Our neighbor has tulips. So pretty!

Wednesday, March 21st   
Lovely evening.

Thursday, March 22nd   
Dr. M made me an Easter basket! Or, as I called it, my practice Easter basket because now I’ll expect more of the same next week. Ha! He also bought some phlox to brighten my day.

Friday, March 23rd                             
Squirrel shenanigans – pictures through the living room window, so sorry for the glare.

Dr. M planted some snapdragons, daylilies, & wildflower seeds in a couple of areas in the front yard. I’m getting pretty excited!

Saturday, March 17th                              
Here is the 5th granny square in all four of my afghan colorways. I wasn’t all that thrilled with my color placement (well, except for the off-white one – ha!).

Yesterday I cleaned the house – dusted, vacuumed, mopped, cleaned the bathrooms. Whew! That’s done for the next six weeks. What? How often do you clean YOUR house?

Sunday, March 18, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Eleven

If I thought last week was weird, then this one told me to hold its beer! Snow, flowers, crochet, rinse, repeat…
Sunday, March 11th               
Our new spring flag!

Monday, March 12th                         
Did I say spring? If you can’t see the video, here is a transcript: The Bug, looking out the back door, “My current situation. This is snow. I live in North Carolina. What the heck.”

A good evening to take a picture of my latest afghan square. There’s something about these colors that seem art deco to me – I’m not really sure why. The white & dark heather gray?

Tuesday, March 13th                                            
I’ve been trying to make a hat for my aunt Mimi (Emily), but I keep having to frog it. I’m not sure what the problem is, but we may have to give up on this yarn for hat purposes.

Wednesday, March 14th  
Again? And again I say, “what the heck!”

Thursday, March 15th  
My last square in this pattern. This blanket is turning out way more Christmassy than I expected!

Red Shouldered Hawk!

Friday, March 16th                            
Ready for pretty much any glasses situation.

Makes me smile.

Yup. Busted!

Saturday, March 17th                              
As Dr. M said, years ago, we started bringing home rocks from places we visited. Some are big, like the ones from various stops along Appalachian byways. Others are small...pebbles worn smooth by Lake Erie, etc. there are rocks from Lincoln and Catawba Cos, NC, and rocks from Greene, Clark, and Champaign Cos, OH. There are also a few bits of brick, etc., from here and there. Seemed fitting on St. Patrick’s Day to rebuild our cairn here in Plateau, near the new maple that is growing to replace the one that had to be cut down last February. 

I’m currently working part time for my old job and my new job, just for a couple of months while I get the person at my old job trained. My new job has had some setbacks, but I think we’re going to get up & running full speed again very soon, so the future looks like it’s going to be really busy! What do you think your week is going to look like?

Sunday, March 11, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Ten

What a weird picture week! There are a couple of days with too many pictures and a few days with just a token picture. It’s an appropriate reflection of my life right now – crazy crazy crazy, chill, crazy crazy crazy, chill…
Sunday, March 4th               
Daddy & Sue took me out for birthday lunch after church. (Yes, this is in addition to the lunch they brought to our house on my actual birthday.) I thought they looked lovely in coordinating greens. Daddy is wearing the hat I brought him from Austria way back in 1989.

My cousin’s daughter made this for me – I love it!

Bloomers from our yard – phlox & bougainvillea.             

It was a perfect night for a fire.

Monday, March 5th                         
This is what happens when you forget your drink in the freezer for three hours. I wanted a slushy drink, but not one I needed to eat with a spoon! Oops.

Tuesday, March 6th                                            
No cavities at my dentist appointment – yay! He confirmed I need a root canal – boo!

Wednesday, March 7th  
It was mall walking Wednesday & the only picture I took all day was to help me remember where I parked my car. Ha!

Thursday, March 8th  
This is the 4th pattern in the Moogly afghan crochet along, in my first colorway. I’m not so sure that this pattern works as well with a solid color (see tomorrow’s pictures for what it looks like in multiple colors).

However, I do like the effect of all four squares together.

I had my 6 month follow up appointment with my surgeon. They make me wear these lovely gym shorts – ha! I got a really good report – x-ray looks great & my range of motion is “fabulous.”

Friday, March 9th                            
I put too much sweet pickle relish in my tuna salad & this was my solution. Yum!

The first mow of the season!

Here is the square in my second colorway – it’s easier to see why it’s called the Crocodile Dahlia square (crocodile is the stitch used to make the petals).

Saturday, March 10th                             
Today I mowed the back yard. Note the bonus picture of Dr. M scritching The Roy.

I am pretty pleased with myself – I reached my daily step goal on 5 of the 7 days. Woo hoo!

Today was the beginning of daylight saving time and I am both sleep-deprived & excited. I love DST! I’m not a morning person, so I really appreciate that extra hour of light at the end of the day. What are your thoughts on the matter?

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Nine

Spring is trying to come to our neck of the woods. And there are signs of it, but it’s still been rather cold. I try to remind myself that it’s just the first week of March for heaven’s sake and that other parts of the country are still getting snow, but I’m greedy for warmer weather!

Sunday, February 25th              
My aunt Mimi tried on the hat that I made, but as I suspected, it’s too small (I ran out of yarn). She wanted something slouchy, so I’ll get another skein of yarn & see what I can do.

I played hooky from church to go mall walking with my dad.

Monday, February 26th                         
Our version of bangers & mash. Yum!

Tuesday, February 27th                                            
I decided that I wanted a separate bag to put my dirty microfiber cloths in (because I wash them separately from my other laundry).

It sure is pretty around here!

The Roy!

Wednesday, February 28th  
I met up with a friend and did some more mall walking. I hit 10,000 steps for the first time in a while!

Thursday, March 1st
The moon!

Friday, March 2nd                           
I finished crocheting my temperature scarf (for the first year back in NC – from March 1, 2017 – February 28, 2018). I’m not very happy about my color choices, so I’ve been a bit lackadaisical with the thing, and now I regret very much that I stopped weaving in the ends sometime in July.

Our daffies were taking a beating, so Dr. M brought them inside. Lovely!

Saturday, March 3rd                             
I mostly spent my birthday crocheting and then ripping out what I had crocheted. This square very nearly did me in!

I did take a break when Daddy & Sue brought lunch and a birthday cheesecake. We enjoyed it a lot and I think they need to bring food over more regularly. Ha! Perhaps sometime I’ll actually cook for them. That’s just crazy talk, right?

This week has been a little bit better. There’s a glimmer of light at the end of the dark tunnel through which I’ve been traveling, but my life is also about to get a whole lot busier. Plus, we really need to mow! I can’t think of a clever question this week (I know, my questions haven’t actually been all that clever), so you just tell me whatever you think I need to know. Ha!

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...