Sunday, March 25, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Twelve

The temperatures keep saying otherwise, but we declare it to be spring around here! And by the way, I took the pictures for Sunday & Saturday, but Dr. M took the remaining ones. Which is a good thing or this post would be really short!
Sunday, March 18th               
I went mall walking with a leprechaun. While we were there, they were setting up to take pictures with the Easter Bunny, and there was a woman making balloon creations. She chased my dad down to give him this pot of gold wrist corsage – she loved his bow tie.

Monday, March 19th                         
The Roy, most likely rolling around in something disgusting. Happy dog!

Dr. M took lots of pictures of birds today, but this was my favorite. I wonder if this mockingbird is trying to court the bird on the flag?

Tuesday, March 20th                                            
Our neighbor has tulips. So pretty!

Wednesday, March 21st   
Lovely evening.

Thursday, March 22nd   
Dr. M made me an Easter basket! Or, as I called it, my practice Easter basket because now I’ll expect more of the same next week. Ha! He also bought some phlox to brighten my day.

Friday, March 23rd                             
Squirrel shenanigans – pictures through the living room window, so sorry for the glare.

Dr. M planted some snapdragons, daylilies, & wildflower seeds in a couple of areas in the front yard. I’m getting pretty excited!

Saturday, March 17th                              
Here is the 5th granny square in all four of my afghan colorways. I wasn’t all that thrilled with my color placement (well, except for the off-white one – ha!).

Yesterday I cleaned the house – dusted, vacuumed, mopped, cleaned the bathrooms. Whew! That’s done for the next six weeks. What? How often do you clean YOUR house?


  1. You live a very colorful life. Nice! :)

  2. That mockingbird is definitely flirting!

    I like the idea of a "practice Easter basket" - maybe I'll adopt that idea...along with "practice birthday cake" and "practice Christmas presents" and...and... *off to think about some more ideas*

    We have a housecleaning marathon every Saturday morning, but it only lasts about 90 minutes or so. I just work really hard to not mess up the house all week long to keep the Saturday morning cleaning as short as possible.

  3. We still have snowpiles here in parking lots and shady places. LIKE MY YARD! Ugh! Here and there, a few clutches of crocuses are struggling, but it's a tough go.

    Please come and vacuum. Thank you.

  4. I'm going to be doing dusting and cleaning this week as I am getting a visit from a fellow blogger on Thursday!

  5. Look at that easter basket - so cute!!!
    Your dad is just adorable.... & I love his corsage. What a fun surprise.

  6. How sweet of Dr. M to make an Easter basket for you and buy phlox for you. My favorite pic is the one of the real bird and the bird on the flag. That should win a prize.

  7. The mercury is forecast to climb into the 70's here tomorrow for the first time this year! And what do I say to that? Yayyyyyyyy!!!!

  8. I be behind -- so let me wish you a happy Easter. I presume you've received your real Easter basket by now. If the practice basket's any indication, you have a basket-designing guru in your life. Love the mockingbird contemplating the flag bird. I do love the mockers, and now I have one that's singing at 4 a.m. I think he might be practicing, too!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...