Monday, April 2, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Thirteen

This is the week that I actually believed that winter might be over – it’s full of flowers & birds, Easter silliness, and the moon!
Sunday, March 25th               
Sunday morning selfie.

The aforementioned Easter silliness. Ha!

I know it was irreverent of me, but I wondered if I should be concerned that the Braves opening day game was on Maundy Thursday. Alarming!

Monday, March 26th                         
Sunny decided to plant some pansies while we wait to see if last year’s impatiens come back.

Around the yard (and sky)…

Tuesday, March 27th                                            
Dr. M got a new camera body (well, new to him – refurbished) and he had a great time with it this week.

This is a non-square work in progress. I’m taking so long to make it that the person who wanted it will probably not even remember that he asked for it!

Wednesday, March 28th
Easter basket #2 – it’s full of bugs!

Sunny can’t even… apparently gardening is hard work!

Thursday, March 29th   
I was just sitting there innocently eating chocolate eggs from my Easter basket… Dr. M posted this and the moon photo on my wall. Gee thanks dear! Heh.

Friday, March 30th                             
Dr. M expanded this new "bow-tie" flower bed so that it was even with that concrete block – to make mowing easier. We’re hoping that we have lots of daylilies here eventually.

Saturday, March 31st                               
Dr. M was surprised by this bright yellow goldfinch!

I had the best salad – avocado, tomatoes, spinach, peppers, and an “Omega 3” nut mix. Yum!

The moon!

I’m settling into my new schedule of working two jobs – although I hope to not be doing that much longer. I enjoy each job a lot, but changing hats each day is a little disconcerting. And I’m ready to enjoy spring – which might be my favorite season of all. What’s yours?


  1. How did I miss the two jobs routine? Is one of them the one you had originally, or do you have two new ones? In any event, the important thing is that you enjoy them, despite what has to be some chaos. Well, or difficulties in scheduling, anyhow.

    I do love spring, but I think I'd have to say autumn's my favorite. It makes sense that so many here enjoy autumn, actually. You guys have to wait for spring through the long winter, but I can't tell you how much a relief autumn is after our scorching summers.

    Your salads are inspiration. And the clarity of those bird photos is stunning. Just out of curiosity, perhaps Dr. M. would share the settings for those, or at least the lens he used. I'm really impressed.

  2. I can understand how Dr. M is enjoying his new camera...I'm enjoying the beautiful results from it!

    I love your buggy Easter basket. I should go to CVS tomorrow to see if they have Cadbury eggs on clearance. I'm not quite sure how I ended up without those for Easter.

    You salad looks great - except I can't make out if those little dark things are olives (yum!) or if they are cranberries (in which case I take back my statement about the salad looking great).

  3. I had the best salad

    That picture made me hungry. I haven't had a good salad in a long time. There use to be a small, indpendent café in Columbia that made an excellent salad but it closed and was replaced with a national franchise.

  4. I can understand your reticence in starting that project; the yarn is so so skinny and fine. One look at that, and I'd know it would take Forever. Ugh. It's quite pretty, though.

  5. stunning shots of the birds. well done Mike!

  6. Oh, the pansies, and the birds, and the moon, and that beautiful yarn! So many pretties!

  7. I must confess that I bought a Chocolate Bunny for half price the other day and ate the whole thing myself. Ears first. It was pretty good, he said as he was wolfing it down.

  8. Those bird photos came out great! Bravo to Dr. M and his new (to him) camera!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...