Sunday, March 11, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Ten

What a weird picture week! There are a couple of days with too many pictures and a few days with just a token picture. It’s an appropriate reflection of my life right now – crazy crazy crazy, chill, crazy crazy crazy, chill…
Sunday, March 4th               
Daddy & Sue took me out for birthday lunch after church. (Yes, this is in addition to the lunch they brought to our house on my actual birthday.) I thought they looked lovely in coordinating greens. Daddy is wearing the hat I brought him from Austria way back in 1989.

My cousin’s daughter made this for me – I love it!

Bloomers from our yard – phlox & bougainvillea.             

It was a perfect night for a fire.

Monday, March 5th                         
This is what happens when you forget your drink in the freezer for three hours. I wanted a slushy drink, but not one I needed to eat with a spoon! Oops.

Tuesday, March 6th                                            
No cavities at my dentist appointment – yay! He confirmed I need a root canal – boo!

Wednesday, March 7th  
It was mall walking Wednesday & the only picture I took all day was to help me remember where I parked my car. Ha!

Thursday, March 8th  
This is the 4th pattern in the Moogly afghan crochet along, in my first colorway. I’m not so sure that this pattern works as well with a solid color (see tomorrow’s pictures for what it looks like in multiple colors).

However, I do like the effect of all four squares together.

I had my 6 month follow up appointment with my surgeon. They make me wear these lovely gym shorts – ha! I got a really good report – x-ray looks great & my range of motion is “fabulous.”

Friday, March 9th                            
I put too much sweet pickle relish in my tuna salad & this was my solution. Yum!

The first mow of the season!

Here is the square in my second colorway – it’s easier to see why it’s called the Crocodile Dahlia square (crocodile is the stitch used to make the petals).

Saturday, March 10th                             
Today I mowed the back yard. Note the bonus picture of Dr. M scritching The Roy.

I am pretty pleased with myself – I reached my daily step goal on 5 of the 7 days. Woo hoo!

Today was the beginning of daylight saving time and I am both sleep-deprived & excited. I love DST! I’m not a morning person, so I really appreciate that extra hour of light at the end of the day. What are your thoughts on the matter?


  1. That's a very fine proper Austrian-looking hat...I think my Dad had the same one. Well, not the same, but one just like it. Heh.

    Congratulations on a great checkup and on getting to your step goals for five days! And I'm in awe of your crochet skills.

    My thoughts on DST? I like the extra daylight in the evening, but I really miss that hour sleep last night. The good people of Florida may not have to deal with switching again - they just passed a law to keep DST year-round. Now it just needs to be signed off by the federal government.

  2. I don't care whether the have DST or not. I just wish they would stop with the changing, already. It would make things so much simpler! And I loved seeing that photo of the across-the-fence skritch. I'm going to have to find myself someone to pet, now that Dixie's gone off to the happy hunting ground (or, the happy lay-around-and-be-petted ground, if she has a choice).

    I wonder how many steps I take in a day. Just off the top of my head, I'd say probably 5-6K, but it would be interesting to know for sure. What I do know is that I've lost my appetite recently -- nothing wrong with that!

  3. I think the white shows the stitch beautifully--very classy and pretty, like a dahlia.

  4. I like DST. like you, not an early riser so, yeah, I like that extra hour at the end. and you already know my opinion of your two new afghans.

  5. You've given me a great idea about taking a photo to remind me where I parked. Ha!
    Love the gift your cousin's daughter made for you. So sweet and inspiring. BB


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...