Sunday, October 7, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Forty

I am just ready to hide in my little corner of the world & play games on my iPad. No reading, no watching TV (except for baseball of course). I’m so very tired – for no good reason really. Ah well, we trudge along. And someday we go back & read everyone’s blogs.
Sunday, September 30th                            
On Sundays, Dr. M surveys his kingdom & finds it good.

Monday, October 1st                                     
This is the face of a woman who is inordinately pleased with herself for balancing the work bank account on the first try.

Tuesday, October 2nd                                                       
Sorry for two selfies in a row, but this was the only picture from today. Here is my caption: Last night I said, “Alexa! Smart plug on!” (My smart plug is connected to a fan in the bedroom.) However, I was wearing my night guard so she didn’t quite understand me. “I think you’re asking about flatulence.” Um, nope Alexa, but thanks for making me cackle. #alexadoesntunderstandme

Wednesday, October 3rd         
The blanket arrived JUST in time and the little recipient looks adorable!

Thursday, October 4th             
A fox hound has decided to make our neighbor’s yard his new home. We’re not sure who he belongs to, but isn’t he beautiful? He’s been well cared for. I hope the owners are able to track him down, but he’s not wearing a collar. Also, he has had no apparent impact on the neighborhood squirrels.

Here is the next afghan square – fun!

Friday, October 5th                                   
Your weekly furniture.

Saturday, October 6th                                          
Dr. got some more animals for his farm. It’s been great therapy for him during these troubling times.

Meanwhile, for my therapy, I spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to decide on color placement for my next square (the consensus on the crochet site was bottom right, although all four received at least one vote).

It’s post-season baseball & if my Atlanta Braves don’t get their act together tonight will be their last game. I’m still super proud of them – they weren’t even supposed to be in the post season this year. However, it would be nice to see them win at least one game. Who are you pulling for?


  1. When it comes to baseball I say, "HOW 'BOUT THEM BREWERS?" I'm beginning to think I need to look into a set of Lincoln Logs and some farm animals myself.

  2. That second selfie of you is very interesting.
    Pretty fox hound. I hope his owners find him.
    The baby pic is adorable.

  3. baseball is about the only thing I want on TV right now and I don't even watch it political ads! which is a big plus as the republican hit jobs are running non-stop here.

  4. I'd be tickled pink, too, if I balanced the work bank account on the first try!

    Sometimes I wonder about how the furniture at your work is marketed. If you need ideas, I have a great line for that first piece of furniture (the white bed? couch?):

    For the couple who can't quite yet afford their divorce.

  5. That beautiful dog looks painfully thin. I hope someone is looking for him or looking for someone who may be looking for him!

    1. He is thin, even for a hunting dog. Our neighbor is trying to feed him and earn his trust. He seems healthy enough otherwise, especially his lungs!

  6. I'm just hoping the Red Sox can hold out one more inning.

  7. I love that chair with the circular patterns. And the dog, too! I hope his owner tracks him down. Do you have a local community bulletin board (online? Craigslist?) where people might advertise if they're missing a pet?

  8. That hound is beautiful! I hope he gets returned home, or gets a new home. I can only imagine his howls! As for the baseball, I'm not really a fan, but of course I'm pulling for our Astros. They're such a great bunch of guys, and their World Series win last year right after Hurricane Harvey was the sort of event that made everyone happier in a very bad time.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

I’d like to blame the current administration for the state of my nails, but in fact they break off every year at this time. It’s like they d...