Sunday, February 24, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Eight

After a week of rain, we had a beautiful day today. I actually sat outside & crocheted today for a little while. It was breezy & my hands got so cold that they were practically numb, but still, it was nice!
Sunday, February 17th                                  
I went shopping for some new clothes today. My least favorite activity, but it had to be done. Here I am illustrating the problems of being a pear shaped person – the jeans fit very nicely, except for one little problem. Sigh.

It was stoup Sunday!

Monday, February 18th               
No picture

Tuesday, February 19th                                              
The daffodils by our house are taking their own sweet time (see photo on the left), but at least we do have some clumps of flowers around the yard.

Wednesday, February 20th                                              
An ottoman from work.

Thursday, February 21st                                                  
I got the bright idea to put curlers in my hair Thursday morning, but as you can see, the end result looks pretty much the same. Also, I think I look like a drag queen in the photo with the curlers. Ha!

This is a sign that I was VERY tempted to put up in one of the bathrooms at work. I used a toned-down version – and we still had a mess!


Is it weird that I kind of prefer my tulips like this?

Friday, February 22nd                                                  
No picture.

Saturday, February 23rd
My yarn was all atangle, so I flang it aside so it could think about the error of its ways. Please note that it’s over there in two pieces – what the heck yarn!

I made a couple of pom poms for a baby shower gift – my favorite kind of bow.

Why is the weekend so short? I would really like it better if we had three day weekends. Who’s with me?

Sunday, February 17, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Seven

It was just another week in February in North Carolina – cold, tepid, slightly warm, cold… I’m glad we haven’t had the snow that other folks have, but I’m feeling a little bit of spring fever!
Sunday, February 10th                                   
This is definitely the Season of Stoup in the Bug household. Dr. M makes a big pot on Sundays & then I take it for lunch all week. This one was a spicy black eyed pea one – yum!

Monday, February 11th                
Tulips! So pretty – a bit of spring.

Tuesday, February 12th                                               
No picture.

Wednesday, February 13th                                              
This is my hallelujah face after my annual squishing – woot!

Thursday, February 14th                                                 
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Friday, February 15th                                                 
I have a friend who locked her keys in her car while getting gas. I sent her this picture of me holding my keys while getting gas. I have been SUPER PARANOID ever since that time I accidentally bumped the lock with my hip & locked my only set of keys in the car, so you will often see me carrying my keys around

Saturday, February 16th
Dr. M built a lovely fire which we enjoyed while watching hockey.

I’m currently sitting in the living room writing this post while Dr. M is in the kitchen working on this week’s stoup. I might complain about the weather, or any number of other piddly things, but I do believe I’m living my best life right now! What are you grateful for this week?

Sunday, February 10, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Six

Last week I mentioned all my technology woes. They continued into this week. The copier got resolved, but then I found out that the fire system, which uses a phone line for monitoring, was no longer working. Someone came to fix it, but their fix disabled the fax line again. I told someone that I felt like I was playing whack-a-mole (which is a very disturbing game, if you ask me). Now we need a whole new system for the fire monitoring (cellular instead of phone line). I’m pretty sure that all the savings we’re getting with the new phone/internet plan is being eaten up with service calls & new equipment. However, the internet is about 99 times faster, so IT’S ALL WORTH IT. At least that’s the story I’m telling myself.
Sunday, February 3rd                                  
New scarf. One of my goals this year is to make things that can be part of my regular wardrobe.

Monday, February 4th                
The only picture from today – this is our recalcitrant copier which is now behaving.

Tuesday, February 5th                                               
Furniture. I like this set a lot.

Wednesday, February 6th                                              
My (early) Valentine from my Valentine – a necklace to match my current favorite earrings. From our friend’s shop – check it out here! (You really should check out her stuff – she has some fun, funky, lovely things.)


I had to laugh at this one. I posted it on Instagram & Facebook & said “Caption this. #tbt third grade.” I have several things to say about this. First of all, I posted this on Wednesday, not Thursday. Second, I look stoned. Third, please note the notch in my bangs. Yep – I tried to cut them myself. The first of many times – I got better at it.

Thursday, February 7th                                                 
I finished this audio book today. I love this series because it reminds me of my time in Zambia – there is a lot of meandering to get the mystery solved. Also, the narrator is really good.

Friday, February 8th                                                 
More furniture.

Saturday, February 9th
The battery on the Bugly died. Please note the very conveniently placed sway bar right over the battery – Dr. M had to remove the fuse box to get to the screws to remove the bar so he could get the battery out.

While Dr. M was working on the car I decided to do a very primitive repair on his favorite cotton blanket (he likes to turn himself into a Dr. M burrito when he sleeps). I am really not very good at sewing, but I was pleased to at least stop the unraveling (for now). While I had the sewing kit out, I sewed buttons back onto two pairs of pants. I felt quite domestic!

I’m just not even going to have any technology hopes for this week. Que Sera Sera is what I say!

Sunday, February 3, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Five

Oh my word – technology was NOT my friend this past week! At work we changed our phone/internet provider & on Monday we discovered that the fax line wasn’t working. Then I figured out that the postage meter wasn’t working. Then I figured out that the copier would no longer email scanned documents. Additionally, the battery went bad on the burglar alarm. Fortunately, everything except the copier has been resolved. I can’t wait to see what will happen this week!
Sunday, January 27th                                 
We put up our Christmas tree last week, but our dining room table still looks like this. I wonder if it will still all be there until spring? Perhaps I should I schedule a dinner party to give me a little nudge?

Monday, January 28th                  
Another edition of The Bug Parking Badly. I don’t know why I bother to pull through to the next space in parking lots – I either look like this or I leave the nose of my car poking out into the aisle. Fortunately there were plenty of empty spaces around me so that people could avoid my mess.

Tuesday, January 29th                                               
I’ve been trying to drink peppermint tea to see if it will mitigate my sweet tooth. Well, I tried it this one day. All of the other days I ate something sweet instead. Baby steps?

Wednesday, January 30th                                              
Got a haircut! It had been a while. My cousin’s daughter is in cosmetology school. I think she did a great job! We talked about how I’m going to try to let my gray grow out to see what it looks like. Alternatively I might be right back in her chair as soon as she finishes the color module in class. Ha!

Thursday, January 31st                                                
I had the best lunch! Homemade guacamole (just avocado & a bit of Rotel), hard-boiled egg, and spinach on toasted pita. YUM.

I might have squealed a bit – the author of my favorite comic strip (Bloom County) liked the picture of Opus that I posted last week.

Friday, February 1st                                                
We got to turn to a new month on our Otis Unleashed calendar.

Saturday, February 2nd  
On my way to a workshop about climate change. The character in my book was describing the experience of drinking tea made in a pot that usually had coffee in it. Blech!

At the workshop we walked outside, then came in and drew pictures that depicted how we felt about it. My picture is of me looking down to see the pine sprig that I found (that’s my boot & the bottom of my dress). I was VERY impressed by the 12 year old son of the local imam who was there – so articulate. I took a picture of his drawing. It says “A WORLD TO LOSE.” I was also really impressed with our vegetarian lunch (from here) – it was delicious.

Here’s hoping that this week technology is my friend. Also that I drink peppermint tea more than once. What are your exciting plans?

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...