Sunday, June 2, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Twenty-two

Today was one of those days that makes me wish that I was the kind of person who took naps. I had the perfect opportunity – I stopped by Daddy & Sue’s house after a church meeting & could easily have snoozed on their sofa while the golf was on. But no, I chatted for a bit, raided their freezer (last summer’s corn!) and then came home and piddled around. And now it’s almost 8:00 at night & I’m typing with one eye open, all leaned back in my chair, one yawn away from oblivion. I shall try to roust myself to write some captions though.
Sunday, May 26th                                        
This is pretty egregious, I know. I decided that today’s excuse for #thebugparkingbadly is that I fell down at the nursing home earlier that day (the floor was wet – as the posted signs clearly indicated – and I just sort of slid all the way down onto my back), but I didn’t hit my head, so really I have no excuse.

Monday, May 27th – Memorial Day          
Dr. M noticed a wren nest in one of our hanging basket – fun!

My brother & sister-in-law invited us over for a cookout. Dr. M didn’t feel well enough, but I went & had a nice time. We dived into the bowl of candy that my nephew & his wife sent from South Korea where he’s stationed. Candy Roulette! I felt very brave trying this one, but it turned out to be pretty tasty. Reminded me of the Little Debbie apple snacks we used to get (sadly, discontinued).

Tuesday, May 28th                                            
I have this reminder on my phone – not to remind me to take my lunch to work, or to remind me to eat said lunch, but to remind me to take my lunch break at the right time. I usually eat at my desk around noon, but I’m supposed to take my hour break at 12:30. I’ll be working along & suddenly realize it’s almost 1:00. I’m still getting used to coordinating lunch breaks with other people.

I brought a rug from home to jazz up my office a little bit.

Wednesday, May 29th                                                       
Work outfit. I bought this skirt in Zambia in around 1987. It’s practically an antique!

The State of Dr. M. His caption for this picture: “Drink your pills, take your water…” He doesn’t much like what gabapentin does to his brain, but it does help a bit with the constant pain. He has an appointment with his surgeon on June 5th – hopefully we can get a surgery date & move this process along!

Thursday, May 30th                                                        
Wildflowers: Gloriosa daisies, blanket flowers, and plains coreopsis.

Friday, May 31st                                                     
Thursday evening I had a meeting at church about creating a green team. There is such a need for us to be so much more active in trying to save the planet (and when I feel really pessimistic I think why bother). Then I came home and saw this posted on Instagram (credit to @carlaaajane).

Ms. Pinky Two-Tone doing her two tone thing.

Saturday, June 1st      
I went to a little pottery festival at a church near our house & bought some things for my office – except the buttons. They will show up on some future crochet project.

Dr. M went to see his dad. We live in such a pretty area.

And here we are at the end of the post. I am still awake (why?), and I think that I’ve been somewhat coherent. I won’t push my luck - I’ll just leave it at that. How about you? Are you getting enough sleep?


  1. I always love your parking pics ... makes me feel so not alone in this big parking world :)
    OUCH - That sounds like me falling in a place. I get so nervous walking on slick floors.
    GIRL - you are looking great in that skirt!!!!
    & loving your new rug! Things like that makes it feel more homey

  2. I love that skirt! And that post you shared from Instagram is very wise and loving: we can't all do Everything, be we can each do Something. Rather than be overwhelmed by the enormity of stuff, we can quietly and importantly tackle Something we feel strongly about. That's how Change takes place. Very inspiring!

  3. yeah, nice skirt. I like that rug too. and if everybody just did one thing even that helps. we may not be making any real headway but just think how much worse it would be if no one did anything.

  4. I love the rug, and how great that you're still wearing your Zambia skirt! I have a shirt from Burkina Faso that I bought in 1994 but I feel like it's a little too wild to wear to work. Maybe I'll risk it someday. I think some of those flowers are gazanias -- that's what I always called them, anyway.

  5. I only hope that after you take the photographs, you get right back in the car and park correctly. You do, don't you? Love the rug.

  6. Looking good and slim in the lovely Zambian skirt!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...