Sunday, June 30, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Twenty-six

It’s the last day of June & it has been a scorcher! I went shopping with my sister-in-law today & I thought I’d just melt right into a puddle. The rest of the week is supposed to be similarly hot. When will I get my towels & sheets washed? Because I ain’t doing it when it’s in the 90s outside. In fact, I’m just going to place a moratorium on cleaning any cloth items in the house. If I have to go to work nekkid, so be it (note: there is NO DANGER of me running out of clothes to wear before the weather cools down).
Sunday, June 23rd                                         
Dr. M caught a glimpse of the baby wren – apparently shortly before it fledged. Baby birds are so ugly they’re cute.

I made a little business card holder for work. I used knobbly yarn so it doesn’t want to stay upright very well. I might try again later.

Monday, June 24th             
Dr. M had his morning coffee with Ms. Pinky.

Tuesday, June 25th                                             
I stopped by my dad’s house & came home with some home grown goodness!

Meanwhile, Dr. M was fixing all the things so that it will be easier for me to do yard work after his surgery (four more weeks!). Here is what he said (if you didn’t already think he was a nut, this will convince you): Imatellyawhat, that @danabugly is gettin serious about the yard work! I changed out the air filter and spark plug in Lil Red Ridin Good (under her rain cover) to fix a hitch in her (the mower’s) giddy up, checked out the battery powered weed eater, and serviced Benicio el Toro so she could have a trim mower (new blade, air filter, and spark plug, fresh oil and gas). Heck, I even sprayed the tool shed lock with WD 40 so she maybe can get in it now. Phew, where’s my ice pack?

Wednesday, June 26th                                                       
Your weekly daylilies.

Thursday, June 27th                                                        
The only picture is this “before” shot of my little pony tail. I like to sleep with my hair pulled up so that it’s not so hot. It also gives it some body the next day if I’m not going to wash it. There’s no “after” picture – I was going to show how goofy it looks in the morning, but nobody needed to see that. Whew boy!

Friday, June 28th                                                        
What I think my hair looks like during the day vs. what it really looks like. Who can get any work done with all that hair in your face?

Saturday, June 29th       
Finished! Well, except that I need to find some mandala rings to crochet them onto. They’re going to be wall hangings for my office. Also, maybe they’re not finished because I finished the last one with purple & I like that a lot better than the red, so I might add some purple rows to the smaller ones. We’ll see.

We sang patriotic songs at church this morning. And this is the end of pride month – I can’t imagine what it would feel like to be a gay person in today’s climate (or a person of color either). And there are children living in criminal conditions. I know I tend to be pie in the sky, but it’s hard for me to be patriotic when there are so many blatant injustices – injustices that supposed “good” people rationalize away with “but they shouldn’t.” I don’t care if they should or shouldn’t – they should all be treated with dignity and basic human rights. (Although let’s face it, as a bleeding heart liberal I usually think they should have fabulous human rights, not just the basic ones.) OK, getting off of my soapbox now. Have a great week everyone!


  1. OMG - you are right, that is one ugly/cute baby bird in your Sunday picture!

    Your hair always looks fabulous, but I understand that you need it out of your face. I can't stand it when it's in my face, ever, so I always have to have short hair.

    Don't get off your human rights soapbox...let me join you!

    1. This weekend I was SO TEMPTED to get it all cut off again. Ugh.

  2. The little pony tail suits you. I also get my hair into a tiny ponytail.
    I thought you were religious. A religious person (especially a church- goer) usually believes that God takes care of his flock (inclusive human rights).

    1. I am religious, but I believe that the way God takes care of God's flock is through people.

  3. Those orange daylilies--WOW! They're overachievers. Bloom within a bloom within a bloom.

    Make room on your soapbox for me. And build an addition; I think we'll have company, and lots of it.

    1. The double oranges ARE really fabulous (a gift from Ellen Abbott - much appreciated!)

  4. Love those daylilies, and your mandalas look amazing! Bravo for your soapbox. I get so frustrated when we question the way things are and are told we're being "unpatriotic." I think the most patriotic thing we can do is challenge what we see as injustice.

    1. I agree that patriotism doesn't mean that we're all yes men (or women. Yes People - that's what we shouldn't be!).

  5. oh, I wondered what those mandalas were going to be used for. they are pretty cool. Marc and I agreed that we would not put out our flag while Trump is in office. just our little protest. not proud of what it stands for while he is in office.

    1. I'm conflicted about putting the flag out... although mostly I agree with you and Marc. The way we look at it though is that for folks who know us we're showing that you can be patriotic and still have serious disagreements with what's going on in the government.

  6. Bravo for you and your soapbox!

  7. Great summer post, Dana. It's going to be in the high 80s and maybe (gulp) 90 here in the mountains. I'll have to become a temporary morning person if I want to be outside at all. Love your instructions from the master.

    1. I have tried so many times to become a morning person, with no success whatsoever so far. Sigh.

  8. I serviced my lawnmower back in February as the weeds began growing. At some point I'm going to drop off the old mower at a repair place and have them replace the calibrator.

    1. Mowers are annoying because they require constant vigilance.

  9. Love Miss Pinky! She's getting up in years, right?
    The bird nest is gorgeous!

    1. She is TWELVE YEARS OLD! That's crazy-pants!


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...