Sunday, October 27, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Forty-three

When I started looking at our pictures this week I was dismayed to see that I had THIRTY! Now that right there is a sign of a great week (or perhaps it could be a sign of a terrible week; in this case it was great). Fortunately for you guys I collaged the heck out of all those photos, so you don’t have to spend an hour reading this blog post.
Sunday, October 20th                                               
After church Dr. M & I took a drive up into the mountains. It was a glorious day!

Monday, October 21st               
The carrots in my meal were grinning at me. I felt like there was malevolence in that grin. #justsaynotocarrots

Tuesday, October 22nd                                                   
Dr. M says: “Today I stopped by Honey’s IGA on 10 at the Lincoln/Catawba County line to pick up a few items, including fresh tomatoes. I dropped my card at the checkout register, and the clerk, seeing the angst on my face, asked if I needed help. But I didn’t! It took some effort, but I picked that sucker up on my own! So grateful for healing and for the gift of brilliant surgeons and their teams πŸ˜

Wednesday, October 23rd                                                          
We had a cancer awareness event at work & were given these terribly cute little succulents. There was a wide variety, but I chose the hen & chicks (echeveria) because I miss seeing them at my neighbor’s house in Ohio.

Thursday, October 24th                                                              
I finally finished the vest that I was making for fall. I paired it with what I’m calling my Little Dutch Clown outfit.

Friday, October 25th                                                           
I was getting ready for bed & had this feeling that something was watching me…

Saturday, October 26th            
My church had its trunk or treat event today. It was a lot of fun! Very low key for me – I basically did nothing but sit there & tell the kids they could pick out three pieces of candy. My cousin & her family were more enterprising – they set up a shark-themed activity where the kids had to walk the plank before they could get any candy.

I’ve started yet another crochet project. That makes four active WIPs (works in progress). I like to have a few different things going, so I’m ok with that. However, none of them are Christmas presents and that could be a problem unless I just admit to myself that I’m not giving any crocheted items for Christmas this year. And my family breathed a silent “thank you” to the universe. Ha! How about you - ready for Christmas yet?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Forty-two

The Bug Household had a pretty good week. Well, Dr. M had a pretty good week. The Bug Herself had an ok week. Shall we find out why?
Sunday, October 13th                                               
I wore a new outfit & felt sassy.

Dr. M continues to work on our Halloween dΓ©cor. We got tiki torches to put out by the wildflower bed. Additionally, after being in a drought situation we now have humidity. Dr. M always looks a little maniacal when he takes selfies. I promise that he is a big ole teddy bear!

Monday, October 14th              
Dr. M says, a tale of two acorns: the tiny but apparently yummy white oak vs. the ginormous but decidedly unpopular chestnut oak. 

Tuesday, October 15th                                                  
Dr. M had an appointment with his primary care doctor & saw this Autumn Tree – ha!

Wednesday, October 16th                                                           
Dr. M had a follow up appointment with his back surgeon this morning. As he said on Facebook: My...Precious! After 3 months without naproxen, I am officially cleared to take it again πŸ‘ Oh, and my lumbar X-rays look great! I go back next July for my anniversary follow up πŸŽ‰ Thanks for all your support...I’ve likely still got many months ahead of recovery, but the fusion looks great so far.

Meanwhile, I was getting a crown at the dentist’s office. They make them in the office, so I had time to crochet while it was being baked. As usual, I am never simple. They had to make two molds because the first one wasn’t perfect, and that meant more Novocain. Also, I have a small mouth & it felt like some sort of toothed battle had taken place in there. Ouch!

Thursday, October 17th                                                              
Me trying to see what my new crown looks like. Ha!

Dr. M got a strap for his banjo. He’s the cutest thing roaming around the house like some sort of southern troubadour.

Meanwhile, I made good progress on the vest I’ve been working on forever. It’s now being blocked – I’ll sew it together once it dries. Hopefully you’ll see me wearing it next week!

Friday, October 18th                                                           
It was almost bedtime & I was crawling around my closet floor trying to find the earring back I’d lost that morning. And it occurred to me that I hadn’t taken a picture yet that day. So here you go!

Saturday, October 19th            
I walked up the hill to get a (not very good) picture of this Halloween decoration. For some reason I think it’s hilariously fabulous (sorry Nance). My Little Undead Unicorn Pony? Ha!

I was supposed to do some housework today. Dr. M was going to go to his dad’s and I was going to stay home & dust & such. But I decided that it would be “easier on Dr. M” if I went with him instead of staying home. And then I decided to write this post, and now I’m just not sure I have time to do any cleaning. I mean, it IS after 5:30 and almost bedtime. I don’t suppose any of you would like to volunteer to come do it for me? No?

Saturday, October 12, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Forty-one

Ah well, the Braves had a great run, but they ended their season in rather ignominious fashion. So now is the time of watching baseball & not particularly caring who wins. Except for the Yankees – I never want the Yankees to win. And with that simple statement I have set them up to win the World Series. Because that’s the kind of power I have.
Sunday, October 6th                                               
We’re ready for Halloween around here.

My dinner – sweet potato, bbq black beans, & Greek yogurt mixed with some lime juice & cilantro. It was good ya’ll!

Monday, October 7th              
Heather the Witch has grown a fabulous mum! We were given this mum after my hip surgery two years ago & it has come back every year.

Tuesday, October 8th                                                  
I tried something new – chili cherry infused diet Coke. I thought it would be spicy, but it wasn’t very.

Wednesday, October 9th                                                         This is supposed to be a triangle, but something seems to have gone awry. I’m going to try blocking it to see if it will work out & if not I’ll frog it & start over. 

Finally boot weather!
Thursday, October 10th                                                         Around the yard – still a lot of color!

Friday, October 11th                                                           
Ever since they started talking about impeachment I’ve been craving peach cobbler. Thanks to our Oktoberfest I got to get some. Yum!

I’m super unobservant, but even I noticed that my office plant is blooming. Woot!

Saturday, October 12th            
I fiddlefarted all summer making “something to wear this fall.” Well, it’s fall now. Reckon I should finish it? #crochet #enneagramnineproblems #serenityvest

It’s Saturday night and I’m watching baseball & working on this post. I’m not sure my life could be more exciting. What crazy things are you doing this weekend?

Saturday, October 5, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Forty

We have FINALLY had some fall weather today. Yesterday it was 92; today it was 64. Woot! I mowed, and sat around the house later with long sleeves on. Happy sigh. Although it won’t be long until I’m complaining about having to sit around the house in long sleeves. My comfort zone is rather narrow.
Sunday, September 29th                                               
It is, oh, two steps from my fridge to the counter, but I still have to carry everything in “one trip.”

Monday, September 30th              
Our coleus is out of control. Plus, random volunteer morning glories. Are morning glories ever not volunteer? Well, yes, I guess they are since ours came from my dad’s house.

Tuesday, October 1st                                                 
I was trying to cut a raw sweet potato. As you can see, it was not going well. I really need to work out more!

Wednesday, October 2nd                                                          
Dr. M took his dad to the Ford dealership get some recall work done on his truck, and they had pink balloons in the showroom – for breast cancer awareness month. It’s good that Dr. M can ferry his dad to appointments, but he is still very much in back surgery recovery mode. All the driving wears him out. He is impatiently waiting for the day when he has his full strength & stamina back!

Thursday, October 3rd                                                             
We’re a little superstitious about our baseball around here. We always have my ancient Samuel Spaniel watch the game with us. My brother gave him to me when I was in college, so he’s an antique now. Ha!

Friday, October 4th                                                           
I FINALLY ate an apple that had been sitting on my desk for almost 2 weeks & had to document the fact for Dr. M. It was really good!

Saturday, October 5th            
New crochet project (yes, I have three other WIPs but I got this new yarn & it was taunting me, so…). I think it looks a little bit like candy corn, so it’s very appropriate for this time of year! Although someone on Facebook just said it looks like pizza & now I can't unsee that. Ha! 

Well, the Braves are 1 and 1 here in the post season. The first game was SO ANNOYING, and the second game was SO SATISFYING. I’m going to be glad when baseball is over – I don’t think I can handle all these extremes for much longer. Ha!

2024 Project 365 – Week Forty-two

Old Business: Reader, I did have a fever (100.6), but felt much better on Sunday.  New Business: Reader, I woke up Monday morning with both ...