Sunday, November 24, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Forty-seven

Thanksgiving is almost upon us, at long last. Since it’s so late this year it feels like everyone around me has already decorated for Christmas. But not us! We are stubbornly holding out until next week. This might not entirely be attributed to seasonal sensibilities.
Sunday, November 17th                                                 
I was invited to a Christmas ornament exchange, so I decided to make one.

Monday, November 18th               
On a dreary day, it’s nice to see puppy cows!

Tuesday, November 19th                                                    
Tuesdays are WW weigh-in days. We got these new booklets & I’m going to try to use them for motivational purposes. I thought twice about posting a picture with my current weight on it – but heck at one point I was up to 214 pounds, so I’m pretty proud of myself.

Wednesday, November 20th                                                        
Ancestry updated my profile, but I’m still pretty much white bread.

Thursday, November 21st
I was alarmed & offended when I saw this critter on our carport.

Dr. M got back on the riding mower for the first time since his surgery – mowing the last of the wild onions & mulching leaves. The yard looked great! For about 12 hours…

Friday, November 22nd                                                             
I ate salad in a jar and crocheted during lunch (not at the same time). This is a mason jar salad set that I got from Pampered Chef. I’m hoping it inspires me to eat more salad. Also, there is kale in that jar. I felt extra virtuous.

We got our second produce box from Misfits Market & (among other Bug approved items) there was this GIANT head of cabbage. I hate cabbage. I jokingly told Dr. M that it was too bad we hadn’t signed up to take coleslaw to Thanksgiving, & he promptly looked up a Thanksgiving Coleslaw recipe.

Saturday, November 23rd             
The ornament exchange was today. One of my friends is in charge of decorating, and while several other ladies also decorated tables (including my dad’s wife Sue), Jenny did four of them. They were all amazing – these are just photos of a few. I had a good time - & other than an overly friendly encounter with pecan pie, I actually didn’t go overboard with the meal.

This coming week is my favorite kind – a three day work week. I’m looking forward to spending some time with family (there are “only” 43 of us heading to my cousin Julie’s house), and I’m looking forward to persimmon pudding, and being lazy. What are you looking forward to?

Sunday, November 17, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Forty-six

It was a busy week in Bug Land. Let’s dive right in!
Sunday, November 10th                                                 
The oak leaves have nearly completed their conquest of our estate.

Monday, November 11th               
I had promised to take baked potatoes for a meal that our church was providing, and then had to figure out how to actually accomplish that. Dr. M to the rescue! He baked them & drove them to the church for me. Isn’t he the best?

Full Beaver Moon.

Tuesday, November 12th                                                    
Even though they’re still blooming, Ms. Pinky & Ms. Rita are having their annual snit about having to come inside.

Wednesday, November 13th – Dr. M’s Birthday!
I went to a networking event for work. Fun!

And then I came home & made Dr. M’s birthday dinner – roasted eggplant and pork chops. It was GOOD, ya’ll!

Dr. M’s birthday moon…

Thursday, November 14th 
I was wearing new Feryl Designs jewelry (problem, what problem?) and feeling cute.

Friday, November 15th                                                            
One of my cousins posted about getting produce boxes from Misfits Market. I was intrigued – seemed like a good way to make sure we ate some fruit & veggies, and we could try new things. Our first box came today. It all looks great!

Saturday, November 16th            
Since I didn’t have a picture for today I thought I would take some of this scarf I finished the other day (please excuse my unwashed, makeup free, loungewear self). I was trying to use up some of this really soft baby yarn that I have, & thought I could make a “super scarf” with it, but I’m not too sure about it. It’s supposed to be a gift, but I might have to go back to the drawing board.

I’ve been staring at this space for several minutes now & it seems to be mirroring my brain – no words or coherent thoughts. In fact, it would be really great if someone would take this laptop off of my lap, brush my teeth, & send me to bed. Surely one of you could manage that task, right?

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Nearly Wordless Wednesday - the Happy Birthday to Dr. M Edition!

Dr. M took a ramble the other day and captured some of our autumn glory. It's his birthday today - I plan to cook him a meal & make him feel extra loved today.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Forty-five

It has been quite lovely around here this week. The leaves are turning (or are mostly done now), and the skies were beautifully blue for much of the week. Let’s hope this trend continues!
Sunday, November 3rd                                                
I finally pulled these squares out & started joining them together. Remember, I was making this blanket last year! I was highly amused at how many steps I got while sitting in my recliner - I'm apparently an aerobic crocheter! 

Monday, November 4th               
Midway through the day I noticed I was in such a rush to get to work that morning I had put my wedding ring set on upside down. Ha!

Sometimes a man just needs to take a nap with his banjo.

Tuesday, November 5th                                                    
Dr. M saw this classic car today. I want one!

The moon man was at it again.

Wednesday, November 6th                                                           
I took a walk during my lunch hour today. If I’d had my car keys I might have just walked to my car & played hooky for the rest of the day!

Thursday, November 7th                                                               
As Dr. M said on Facebook, “I’m simply saying that life...uh...finds a way” 

My boss came back from a 2 week visit to family in Germany & brought presents! No, I did not try the brandy candy.

Friday, November 8th                                                            
Got my hair done. Abbey does a great job blowing it out – but I usually feel like I’m wearing a wig when I see myself in the mirror. Ha! (Note: she straightened the bangs out after I took this picture)

Saturday, November 9th            
Worked on another crochet project this afternoon. It’s supposed to be a Christmas gift, but has taken on a life of its own & might need to be repurposed (because the intended recipient might not want to drown in yarn). We shall see!

Last Saturday I was very productive, but other than laundry & grocery shopping, this weekend all I’ve done is crochet, read, and play on my iPad. Life is all about balance, right? That’s a story that I tell myself anyway. What have you been avoiding this weekend?

Saturday, November 2, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Forty-four

Well, we have made it through Halloween & are on the express train to Christmas. Thanksgiving will be but a blip in the road. Actually, it’s a pretty big deal around here and I am in the thick of organizing our family’s annual gathering – this year there will be around 40 folks! (Note: by “organizing” I mean sending out reminders & nagging emails.)
Sunday, October 27th                                               
Lookit! I actually can park! Photo credit to my Aunt Mimi who was quite impressed. 

I was happy that my crochet hook matched my yarn.

Monday, October 28th               
Dr. M saw a spice harvester when he was out and about. OK, maybe it wasn’t a spice harvester.

Tuesday, October 29th                                                    
The neighbor’s cat, Callie, has adopted our deck as one of her favorite hangout spots.

I made one of my concoctions for dinner. Sweet potato slice with black beans cooked with onion & BBQ sauce, topped with Greek yogurt mixed with lime & cilantro. I think I’ve shared it on here before, but it’s so good that I had to share it again. Ha!

Wednesday, October 30th                                                           
The only picture today is my work outfit. Yes, I am wearing the heck out of my new yellow pants.

Thursday, October 31st                                                               
Leaves in the parking lot at work during a lull in the rain. It POURED for a lot of the day. As expected, we didn’t get any trick or treaters.

Friday, November 1st                                                            
Might be about time for a haircut.

We had frost warnings & temps down in the 30s so Dr. M brought the girls in for the winter. I’ve been fretting all summer and fall about how we were going to accomplish this because of Dr. M’s back surgery. Then in typical Dr. M fashion, he just done & did it & told me afterward.

Saturday, November 2nd             
Our house is making its transition from Halloween to fall

I spent the day cleaning the house, working on a Creation Care Covenant for church, sending out a reminder email about our Thanksgiving dinner, drafting a church bulletin item about our Prayer Sister Brunch, and working on this post. I don’t know who let this “responsible” Bug into the house, but I’m ready for her to head right back out again! What have you accomplished this weekend?

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...