Sunday, November 17, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Forty-six

It was a busy week in Bug Land. Let’s dive right in!
Sunday, November 10th                                                 
The oak leaves have nearly completed their conquest of our estate.

Monday, November 11th               
I had promised to take baked potatoes for a meal that our church was providing, and then had to figure out how to actually accomplish that. Dr. M to the rescue! He baked them & drove them to the church for me. Isn’t he the best?

Full Beaver Moon.

Tuesday, November 12th                                                    
Even though they’re still blooming, Ms. Pinky & Ms. Rita are having their annual snit about having to come inside.

Wednesday, November 13th – Dr. M’s Birthday!
I went to a networking event for work. Fun!

And then I came home & made Dr. M’s birthday dinner – roasted eggplant and pork chops. It was GOOD, ya’ll!

Dr. M’s birthday moon…

Thursday, November 14th 
I was wearing new Feryl Designs jewelry (problem, what problem?) and feeling cute.

Friday, November 15th                                                            
One of my cousins posted about getting produce boxes from Misfits Market. I was intrigued – seemed like a good way to make sure we ate some fruit & veggies, and we could try new things. Our first box came today. It all looks great!

Saturday, November 16th            
Since I didn’t have a picture for today I thought I would take some of this scarf I finished the other day (please excuse my unwashed, makeup free, loungewear self). I was trying to use up some of this really soft baby yarn that I have, & thought I could make a “super scarf” with it, but I’m not too sure about it. It’s supposed to be a gift, but I might have to go back to the drawing board.

I’ve been staring at this space for several minutes now & it seems to be mirroring my brain – no words or coherent thoughts. In fact, it would be really great if someone would take this laptop off of my lap, brush my teeth, & send me to bed. Surely one of you could manage that task, right?


  1. As usual, you have had a very busy week. Pinky and Rita don't look to be in a snit - they're looking pretty good!

  2. I don't know if it's the same company but my grandgirl Jade subscribes to that. she got a subscription for her mom. my daughter canceled if after about 6 months or so because a lot wasn't getting eaten. you never know what you are going to get. sort of like the co-ops I was in when I was younger. food was cheap because we were buying wholesale at the market but what you got depended on who was doing the buying that week.

  3. We had Judy's Very Special Pork Chops and Sweet Potatoes with an orange sauce last night. Yum! I always like it when Dr. M goes mooning. Well, you know what I mean.

  4. Great pictures of the moon, as usual. I simply cannot take one myself. All my attempts end up looking like light bulbs.

  5. I'll have to check out that Misfits Market link - I'm intrigued, too!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...