Sunday, November 24, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Forty-seven

Thanksgiving is almost upon us, at long last. Since it’s so late this year it feels like everyone around me has already decorated for Christmas. But not us! We are stubbornly holding out until next week. This might not entirely be attributed to seasonal sensibilities.
Sunday, November 17th                                                 
I was invited to a Christmas ornament exchange, so I decided to make one.

Monday, November 18th               
On a dreary day, it’s nice to see puppy cows!

Tuesday, November 19th                                                    
Tuesdays are WW weigh-in days. We got these new booklets & I’m going to try to use them for motivational purposes. I thought twice about posting a picture with my current weight on it – but heck at one point I was up to 214 pounds, so I’m pretty proud of myself.

Wednesday, November 20th                                                        
Ancestry updated my profile, but I’m still pretty much white bread.

Thursday, November 21st
I was alarmed & offended when I saw this critter on our carport.

Dr. M got back on the riding mower for the first time since his surgery – mowing the last of the wild onions & mulching leaves. The yard looked great! For about 12 hours…

Friday, November 22nd                                                             
I ate salad in a jar and crocheted during lunch (not at the same time). This is a mason jar salad set that I got from Pampered Chef. I’m hoping it inspires me to eat more salad. Also, there is kale in that jar. I felt extra virtuous.

We got our second produce box from Misfits Market & (among other Bug approved items) there was this GIANT head of cabbage. I hate cabbage. I jokingly told Dr. M that it was too bad we hadn’t signed up to take coleslaw to Thanksgiving, & he promptly looked up a Thanksgiving Coleslaw recipe.

Saturday, November 23rd             
The ornament exchange was today. One of my friends is in charge of decorating, and while several other ladies also decorated tables (including my dad’s wife Sue), Jenny did four of them. They were all amazing – these are just photos of a few. I had a good time - & other than an overly friendly encounter with pecan pie, I actually didn’t go overboard with the meal.

This coming week is my favorite kind – a three day work week. I’m looking forward to spending some time with family (there are “only” 43 of us heading to my cousin Julie’s house), and I’m looking forward to persimmon pudding, and being lazy. What are you looking forward to?


  1. That ornament!! So fun!
    I love holiday teas that happen. I did a Beauty & the Beast table one year - I still am proud how it turned out.
    GIRL - be proud of that weight - that's awesome!!!
    Severe winter sign??? NOOOOOO... I refuse to believe it

  2. Love the idea of ornament exchange. I've been to a lot of cookie exchanges but ornaments might be better. QuIet Thanksgiving for us No guests but we will have ttraditional tuekey and sides, making three meals of leftovers since we love it so. Then i'll make and freeze turkey tettrazzini for later.

  3. I love your crocheted ornament! (Or is it knitted?) Brilliant!

    Ancestry notified me that they'd updated my profile but I haven't looked at it yet. I guess I should. Last time I checked mine looked a lot like yours! (Right down to the North Carolina connections. Maybe we're related? LOL)

  4. I love that ornament! Pattern??? I always thought the same way about cabbage until I tried making cabbage soup. Actually - pretty good.

  5. one of the garden club parties one of the women of german descent brought a casserole of potatoes, cabbage, and sausage. it was really good. I have to wonder why you sewed the two halves if the crochet with brown thread instead of purple yarn.

  6. Enjoy your Thanksgiving. AND your short work week!

  7. I like cabbage! Must be the German in me, LOL.

    And about that woolly worm - I could go for a "severe" winter. The only reason I didn't have the AC on was that I didn't cook Thanksgiving dinner. And I remember having to run the AC while cooking a Christmas turkey. I WANT a cold winter.

    Well, you know, Florida cold.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...