Sunday, December 1, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Forty-eight

Oh what a lovely week! A little bit of work, a little bit of family, and a lot of time at home. Perfect!
Sunday, November 24th                                                 
Lots of pictures today! First of all, I posted the first picture on my Enneagram 9 group asking if I had to leave the house today. The majority vote was no; however, I went ahead & went to sing at the nursing home (although I did play hooky from church).

I was helped along my journey by listening to this lovely lady read her book. SO good!

When I got home I used a youtube video to figure out how to deal with a pomegranate, and then I made a weird recipe using eggs & acorn squash. It was ok.

Meanwhile, Dr. M spent some time with his dad & took some gorgeous photos on his way home.

Monday, November 25th               
One of my father-in-law’s cats amongst the leaves.

Tuesday, November 26th                                                    
Dr. M was laughing at me & basically forced me to take this picture. What? #whoworeitbest

Wednesday, November 27th                                                        
Dr. M tried to capture Venus & Jupiter. This is through the double-glazing, so not perfect, but picturesque nevertheless.

Thursday, November 28th
Happy Thanksgiving! We “only” had 41 at the feast. It was a great time, even though I cut my finger, broke two nails, and fell down in the driveway (I’m fine). Much thanks to my cousin Julie who pulled this off with a lot of skill & grace!

Friday, November 29th                                                              
I put some of my pomegranate & slivered almonds on my oatmeal – delicious!

And speaking of slivered, here is a moon sliver served up by the Moon Man.

Saturday, November 23rd             
Our 2020 calendar of our favorite Instagram dog came today!

I’ve been making more baubles. They’re kind of weird colors because these are the colors I have & I couldn’t find any others in stores around here. If I do this again I will plan ahead & order what I want!

Well, back to work tomorrow. PLUS I have a WW weigh-in and that won’t be pretty. I would appreciate some thoughts and prayers. And while you’re at it, go ahead & pray for people who really need it: the homeless, the folks who are fighting addictions and disease, the ones who are affected by gun violence, the people who are marginalized in our society (because, you know that’s where Jesus is anyway & he might like some help).


  1. Looks like a busy Thanksgiving week. Lots to do and lots of fun. I can't imagine 41 for dinner. Must have been quite a time. It will be hard to settle down for a five-day work week.

  2. Busy, busy week. And wonderful pictures! I saw that same moon the other night - just a bare sliver. I've got some sparkley yard and am going to try that for those cute ornaments (thanks for the pattern info). Positive thoughts all things are as you wish coming your way.

  3. finally a picture of one of your meals that isn't weird! (and I'm referring to the oatmeal, not the egg in acorn squash.)

  4. I love your crocheted ornaments! They're so warm and homey-looking, just the way Christmas should be.

    I wish pomegranate wasn't mostly those bitter seeds. I cannot get past them, but enjoy the fruit part.

  5. I love acorn squash, but I've never had it with egg. Hmmm. Brown sugar and butter is my preferred method.

    You had 41 people at Thanksgiving?! I have no right to complain about ten, then!

  6. I want to read that Michelle Obama book so badly!

  7. While reading her book would be a stretch for me, I love Michelle Obama. She is nothing but class and intelligence.

  8. What's an Enneagram 9 group?

    You didn't take enough food pictures at Thanksgiving!!! Just sayin'.

  9. A wonderful week of photos. Thanks.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

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