Sunday, January 26, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Four

Why is it that a “short” work week seems longer than usual? Someone asked if it was because I was trying to fit more work into fewer days, but that wasn’t really the case. I think it’s because I am so naturally slothful that it only takes one holiday for me to get out of the habit of work.
Sunday, January 19th                                                   
We had a reception for our pastor to wish him well as he moves back home to Pennsylvania. We’ll miss him & his family!

Monday, January 20th                    
My dad & Sue gave me the crocheted tablecloth that my mother bought when she & my grandmother visited me in Zambia in 1988. That trip was such a HUGE thing for her to do. I’m not sure I ever really grasped how big it was. I have a lot of memories from the trip, but this one, from when she bought this tablecloth, makes me smile the most: “...when I took them to the market in Victoria Falls, Mom pulled out U.S. $ & the little ladies there went crazy—‘Come here amai—I have some beautiful goods here!’ I told Mom that it was illegal to spend American money here & the ladies just laughed and laughed. They enjoyed seeing me scold my mother.” She’s been gone almost 15 years now. Miss you Momcat 😭❤ #fuckcancer

Tuesday, January 21st                                                          
Our winter has been so mild that this is the first hat appearance of the year.

Poor Dr. M had to go out in the cold too! Isn’t he the cutest thing? 

Wednesday, January 22nd                                                   
I took this picture to confirm what I suspected. As my face implies, I’m not too happy with this outfit. It’s the stockings – I really need to go shopping for things to put on my feet!

Thursday, January 23rd    
The wonders of technology. Our church council had a meeting with a potential temporary interim pastor. I wore my new Christmas pajamas so this is now my favorite way to have a meeting.

Friday, January 24th                                                                
Song sparrow serenade…

Saturday, January 25th               
Cardinal & chipping sparrows, eating in harmony.

My second video conference of the week - book club with my Ohio friends. I was a little fixated on the food that they were eating – wraps & cupcakes. Next month I’m going to have to provide my own self with snacks!

I have about four crochet projects going on, but have you seen any photos of me working on them? No you have not. I PROMISED myself not to fluff around all year & then have to work like a crazy person before Christmas. But I am a terrible listener. Maybe I need to block out time on my calendar. Will that really work? Stay tuned!


  1. Why is it that a “short” work week seems longer than usual?

    Good question, short work weeks do seem tougher that regular ones.

  2. Do not make a "schedule" for your crochet. That will make it more of a chore than the fun it should be. And don't worry about strange work weeks. Things will get back to normal soon. Definitely make yourself a load of yummy snacks for next book club. And make sure the others can see your riches.

  3. Video conferencing is handy, isn't it? I love the tablecloth -- and what a great memory to go with it.

  4. I saw a sparrow go into one of my birdhouses this morning!

  5. The week after a long weekend always seemed longer than a regular week back in my work days. I think it's because you still have to get 5 days of work done but you only have 4 days to accomplish it. I think the problem with your outfit isn't socks or shoes but the length of the pants - shorter or longer. My personal thought is that's an awkward length in anything, on anyone. How do you keep the squirrels off your feeder!!

  6. I'm still trying to figure out what to fix for Super Bowl Sunday!

  7. I love your posts!
    My Mom and Grandmas crocheted these. How they followed the patterns, I'll never know.
    Cardinals! My favorite song bird.

    Over from Catalyst. Be back!

  8. Video conferencing is a great invention! Two of my admin people are remote (one in Louisiana, one in Pennsylvania), so all of our meetings involve video conferencing. I sometimes wonder what the remote people think of us having bagels during the meeting...LOL.

  9. And I love that story of your mom in Zambia! <3


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...