Sunday, January 12, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Two

As predicted, I skipped church today, but I didn’t exactly sit at home and do nothing. However, that is a tale for another day; let’s talk about this past week.
Sunday, January 5th                                                   
Our vegetarian potluck turned out really well! There was a lot of different food and I think everyone had a great time.

Monday, January 6th                   
One of our encore azaleas is blooming. Crazy!

Tuesday, January 7th                                                        
This picture makes me laugh - Dr. M decided that Olaf needed a drink.

Wednesday, January 8th                                                   
Once again I was running my fingers through my hair.

Thursday, January 9th   
I was feeling “skinny” so I took a picture of myself in the bathroom at work. Ha!

There’s a moon in the sky!

I finished this book – it was so lovely. And yes, it made me cry.  

Friday, January 10th                                                                
No picture.

Saturday, January 11th               
We had our church council retreat today. We met from someone from our association to put together a plan for getting a new pastor (did I remember to tell you that ours resigned to move back home to Pennsylvania?). We also elected officers and somehow I agreed to be secretary. Then I came home and did NOTHING for the rest of the day. And took no pictures. What the heck!

I got over 8 hours of sleep last night for the first time in forever, and I had a great day today even though I didn’t make it to church. I think I might be ready to head back to work tomorrow. It’s going to be a busy week! What do you have going on this week?


  1. Whaddaya "felt" skinny - you ARE skinny! Look at all the weight you lost! I'm impressed.

    I slept 8 hours and 1 minute last night, according to my FitBit. I woke up and felt very accomplished. And then I went for a 10.75-mile bike ride, adding to the feeling of accomplishment.

    And then I took a nap in the afternoon... end of accomplishments. LOL.

  2. you do look rather trim. and I suppose you got elected secretary because you have so much free time on your hands...not.

  3. I like your groovy Gloria Steinem belt in your skinny picture. The flowers are very confused this year, aren't they? Some of ours are blooming early too.

  4. One of our encore azaleas is blooming. Crazy!

    The weeds and grass in my yard are reactivating from this warm winter.

  5. Our weather has been very up and down each week. We'll get several days of 40s and a 50 or 60, then back into the 30s or a 20. Fog, rain, snow...All in the same week. Chaos.

    You're really doing terrifically on your weight loss plan. How great does that feel!?

  6. You look great!

    I also have things blooming in the yard though most are weeds (argh!).

  7. Losing weight? How?
    I'd love to listen to that book, but couldn't find it on my Libby app :-(

  8. That potluck looks good. And so does that giant(?) bottle of Maker's Mark!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...