Sunday, February 16, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Seven

This is the week that I finished that crazy prayer shawl I was making. In fact, I finished it three times before I just declared it DONE. Sorry there are so many pictures of it, but apparently I felt the need to document the whole sorry tale.
Sunday, February 9th                                                     
I thought we looked extra cute at the nursing home this morning so I had to do a photo shoot.

Progress photo of the shawl of many colors. It’s really soft and will be a nice comfort to someone as long as they keep their eyes closed.

The moon!

Monday, February 10th                      
Had a near disaster. Not sure if you can tell, but my earbud cord came very close to becoming part of the prayer shawl. I actually had to frog a stitch to extricate it. After this I finally spent some quality time trying to pair my Bluetooth headset to my iPad & was successful on Sunday. Whew!

Tuesday, February 11th                                                         

Wednesday, February 12th                                                    
The first time I thought the shawl was done. But I didn’t really like that last red row on the right.

Thursday, February 13th     
Dr. M got flowers for me! They’re so very lovely – just like the vision that he got to spend the evening with. Ha!

Friday, February 14th                                                                 
It might be Valentine’s Day, but I spent some time the night before making a St. Patrick’s Day hat for a coworker’s pig. Too cute!

We got another Misfits Market box and Dr. M put it to good use right away.

Here is the second time I thought the shawl was done. I’m not sure if you can tell, but the yarn I used at the end on the left was so bulky that I had a sort of crinoline skirt situation going on there.

In the meantime, the shawl I mailed off to Germany the other week made it to its destination!

Saturday, February 15th                
Dr. M put new flowers on his mother’s grave – he chose Mardi Gras colors to cheer himself up.

Today I frogged the crinoline skirt & decided that the shawl was just done. DONE. It’s soft and comfy and I think I have a blindfold that I can give with it so the recipient doesn’t have to look at it. Ha! (I don’t actually think it’s that hideous, but it definitely has a scraptastic aura about it).

I’m very pleased to announce that I’m turning my crochet hook to other, lovelier, projects now. I’m sure that eases your mind. What crafty things are you doing these days?


  1. No crafty things. I haven't knitted much lately. Spending more timee reading than anything else. The comfy feel of a shawl is far more important than looks. Besides, I like the bright colors.

  2. I like both of the shawls, but I really like the one you sent to Germany. And I like the Mardi Gras colors of the flowers you took to the cemetery. Very, very nice.

    As for crafty things, nothing going on around here, unless running around taking photos of newly-sprung wildflowers counts. I did put up one more bird feeder. In the meantime, I found out that the peanuts in the shell I've been putting out for bluejays have been grabbed up by -- the squirrels! I wouldn't mind if they were eating them, but as soon as I put them out, the furry ones arrive, grab one, and proceed to bury it. I guess they haven't gotten the memo yet that spring is coming, and they don't have to fill their larder for bad times.

  3. Everybody north of me has daffodils blooming before mine. mine are just now putting up buds so at least I'll get 5 blooms so far this year. last year I got one. and that eggplant dinner looks good.

  4. I just this morning read a short article in the New Yorker about a woman who does crochet art "things" on signs, buildings, fences and whatnot around the country. Seeing that finished shawl on that porch railing made me think you and your crochet hooks may have a future as a performance artist!

  5. I love all the colors in the shawl - it certainly should brighten up someone's day.

  6. Little piggy's hat!!!
    what a colorful shawl. Definitely going to brighten someone's day right up!!!

  7. I think the idea of a blindfold for the shawl wearer is too,too dramatic. However I might suggest the idea of one or two pairs of sunglasses with brightly coloured frames to compliment the shawl.
    One pair for the shawl wearer and the spare pair for any visitors with sensitive vision. lol.

  8. The bright colors and very soft texture will cheer the wearer!
    I have been dealing with scraps and done a lot of frogging and restarting till I was satisfied with the blended colors.
    We just got our first Misfit box this week! I cooked up the eggplant today.
    When I subscribed, I couldn't remember where I had seen the idea. :-)

  9. I still cannot take decent pictures of the moon. While it's a poor musician that blames his instrument, starting to think my little camera just can't do it.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...