Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Nearly Wordless Wednesday

Because you can never have too much Roy!


  1. What a good boy! Which led to this:

    There once was a doggo named Roy
    best known as a very good boy.
    He'd come for a pat,
    but if not getting that,
    he'd be happy with just a new toy.

  2. Aww - that was a great Roy poem! :)

  3. I agree with Steve. Roy has a beautiful face.

  4. what a great dog! but then, all dogs are.

  5. Finally caught up after being gone from the blog for awhile.
    Love all your nature photos, always superb.
    Roy is such a good looking dog.
    And, you, Bug, always cute and fun!

  6. Nice happy pictures. Something everyone needs - happy pictures!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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