Monday, January 18, 2021

2021 Project 365 – Week Three

Today is MLK Jr. Day, and I have the day off from work. As is usual for me, I didn’t plan to do any acts of service. I did post a couple of things on social media. Does that make my cries for social justice performative? Why, yes, I do believe that it does. Do I want to do better? Also yes. Will I? Stay tuned….
This post is a little later than usual. I couldn’t be bothered on Saturday, and then yesterday I had other stuff to do. See the end of the post for a preview of what I was up to.
Sunday, January 10th  
You might remember that late last year one of the strands on my Fitbit band broke. I decided to try to repair it. I knew that the repair wouldn’t last because I was using thin thread, and it didn’t – but now I know what to do once I get the right materials.

Monday, January 11th
No photo. Well, there was my “Make Don’t Break” photo, but it’s too similar to the one I’m using for Saturday.
Tuesday, January 12th  
The last time I made a temperature blanket I stopped weaving in the ends around July or so. I AM NOT GOING TO DO THAT THIS TIME!

Wednesday, January 13th  
Twilight in the hollow. (Per popular demand, this week features a lot of Dr. M photos.)

Thursday, January 14th  
Took a stretching class because I am possibly the least limber person you will meet.

The moon!

Friday, January 15th
The moon! (And my favorite color of sky)

Saturday, January 16th
I couldn’t decide what to put on my egg salad sandwich, so I had a bit of everything: potato chips, Cheetos, and chili cheese corn chips. It was very good, but the corn chips kind of overpowered the egg salad. Just in case you decide to make one of these for yourself.


Weekly update of the temperature blanket (yes, this is now a thing). I don’t know what I think about the colors, but as we all know, when April comes around there will be big changes that make it look completely different. Will I like it then? We shall see!

The moon!

Here’s the sneak peek into what I was up to yesterday. Look how long his toeses are!

This week promises more craziness. I am praying for a drama free inauguration. Do we think that can actually happen?


  1. I like the colors of the temperature blanket -- a lot. I'm not too sure about those Cheetos on the egg salad, though. On the other hand, now I want Cheetos. I'm not going to get in the car and go get some, but I did think about it for a bit.

    1. It's times like that that I'm glad we live about 10 minutes from the closest store - it has saved me many a time from a late night snack run. Well, that and my natural sloth - ha!

  2. I can no longer eat Cheetos. I OD'd on them years ago, and I got sick from them and of them. Back then, I could not be trusted, and I'd eat a whole bag. Finally, they turned on me, and I learned my lesson the hard way. This very well could happen with cherry pie this week because Rick ill-advisedly got a big one from the pie shop, and I've been less than judicious.

    1. Oh I would be very sad to "lose" Cheetos! Be careful with that cherry pie!

  3. Yeah, I'm praying too. (Well, I don't really pray, but I'm hoping!) I don't think I have ever put chips ON a sandwich. I've had them on the side, but not on top!

    1. Oh they are so yummy! Salty & crunchy... nomnomnomnom...

  4. At least your temp blanket has the chance of color ranges. The one I started is all the same color of green!! Lovely pictures of the moon.

    1. Switching to 5 degree ranges helped, but if we have the same summer as last year there will be great swaths of the same color.

  5. I am all in favor of adding chips to a sandwich. SWMBO thinks I'm crazy but the BRD agrees with me! And that third picture from the end. Are you quite sure that isn't the bottom half of a bikini?

  6. So how are you doing yoru temp blanket? one row a day or so many squares? I always say I'm going to do one & never do :( I could always start Feb 1 & go to Feb 1 next year

    1. I'm doing 20 squares per day. Theoretically this will make my blanket not be so humongous. I would tell you to go ahead & start January 1, but that would mean doing 20 days worth of blanketing and that would definitely overwhelm me - so I think starting February 1 is reasonable. Also gives you time to get the yarn (be warned - I'm using Caron Simply Soft & I had to change my color scheme because some of my colors weren't available.).

  7. I've been a champion of egg salad sandwiches since I was five years-old. Never once have I ever considered putting any chips in the mix.

    Totally cool idea though! I'll have to try it myself next time!

    1. Let me know what you think - but you will NOT regret it!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...