Sunday, January 10, 2021

2021 Project 365 – Week Two

What a crazy week! I was SO HAPPY to wake up on Wednesday morning to hear about the two new Georgia senators, but then the madness at the capitol overshadowed that good news. I was afraid and outraged, and so upset about the fact that those rioters made it inside the building with little to no resistance. The images were so disturbing – the confederate flag inside the capitol, the guy with the zip ties to use as handcuffs, the lone black police officer trying to hold back the crowd… It will be a while before I can fully come to terms with it all, but my overwhelming feeling right now is a kind of righteous rage. This is not who we are as a country? It is EXACTLY who we are and always have been: a nation of people who have been told by white men who are afraid that they might lose power that people with brown skin are inferior and undeserving of basic rights. In fact, I think that almost everything that we’ve been told to fear is because of people who want to stay in power, because if we weren’t afraid we might think for ourselves and vote accordingly.
ANYWAY, my week in photos doesn’t really reflect any of that turmoil.
Sunday, January 3rd
My sister-in-law gave me this puzzle and it was THE MOST FUN EVER! I’ve never made a 3D puzzle before – I definitely recommend it.

Dr. M likes to take photos of twilight in our holler but I hardly ever post them. I thought we might need it this week.

Monday, January 4th
I worked on my wall hanging while starting a new audiobook. I love listening to Neil Gaiman read his books.

My nephew with his baby. I probably won’t spam you with baby pictures every week. But maybe I will.

Tuesday, January 5th  
I’m not going to share every Make Don’t Break photo, but this is the only picture for the day. I know I was going to work on the wall hanging project (from Monday’s photo), but I got a bug & decided to work on an even older WIP.

Wednesday, January 6th  
Crocheting and watching history. What the heck.

Thursday, January 7th  
Someone took one of Dr. M’s moon photos and had it framed. We still don’t know who did it. How cool is that?

Friday, January 8th
Well people, we knew this would happen. I know I wasn’t going to start on the temperature blanket until after I finished the wall hanging, but my yarn came, so…
Saturday, January 9th
I haven’t shared one of my weird food creations in a while. Today’s omelet is egg, spinach, leftover field peas, and cheese. It was GOOD. I should probably have drained the field peas (it was a bit messy), but really the juice is the best part!

I got into bed late last night & checked my “mileage.” Then I looked at yesterday’s “mileage.” Cue Twilight Zone music!

You know, I’m thinking that it's just going to be crazy from now on. I mean, there will be the fallout from the attempted coup this week, plus I haven’t even talked about how COVID is out of control even as we’re trying to get vaccinated. Do you have anything that is keeping you calm during our current madness? I could use some tips!


  1. I've never seen a puzzle like that before. If it actually held water, now that would be something.

    I'm calm, but I'm feeling stressed nonetheless. There's so much in flux right now: waiting for the maniac to get out of office, waiting for Ohio to get a vaccine plan implemented that isn't so fragmented and Not A Plan, waiting for my own vaccine, and waiting for more than just a day or two of sun. I feel beleaguered. Do you know that the last day we had full sun in NEO was NOVEMBER 19TH?!?!?!

    I'm really feelin' it.

    1. That's the beauty of the puzzle - it DOES hold water! There is a tube (that black thing in the top two photos) that slides up into the vase. Very cool (and the pieces are plastic, so no need to worry if they get wet).

      I agree on all counts of your second paragraph (except for the sun because I live in NC now & that's a perk apparently). I hope you get a LOT OF SUN VERY SOON, and that our national nightmare ends.

  2. do those puzzle pieces have numbers on the back? isn't that kind of cheating? and what a pretty twilight picture. and the framed moon picture is such a nice surprise. however I'm not commenting on the field peas in the omelet. ick.

    1. They do, but I didn't notice until I was halfway through - ha! They were really helpful on the pure white parts of the vase (the upper part), but I used the flower motif to complete the rest of the puzzle.

  3. Love the puzzle and the fact that it is practical!
    I just borrowed a Neil Gaiman audio book after I saw yours. We'll see.
    Good job on the steps. I heard of a scientific test result that women our age need between 4000 and 7000 steps. Beyond that there was no significant benefit.
    Framed moon is awesome.

    1. I hope you like the Neil Gaiman - I like his style of writing along with his narration. The last book I read (The Ocean at the End of the Lane) was lovely.

  4. Calm? I haven't been calm since the attempted Capitol coup. I know several individuals that loved the videos of the insurrectionists. Even worse, word is spreading that round two will take place at the state houses of all 50 states as well as government buildings.

    1. Yep - calm is definitely hard to achieve right now!

  5. What the heck indeed!!!
    THATS A PUZZLE???? That's amazing!!!

    1. I was pretty pleased that I got it put together :)

  6. That puzzle is very puzzling to me. What holds it together? Gorilla Glue? Yes, Dr. M's twilight photos definitely need more exposure. (Not in the photographic sense. Does that make any sense?)

    1. The pieces are plastic & fit tightly together. Or it's magic.

      And yes, I'll start sharing more of these photos because it's the content we need right now.

  7. I just started reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman. Good but very wordy. I like Dr. M's moon picture.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...