Sunday, March 28, 2021

2021 Project 365 – Week Thirteen

I had just gotten into the groove of not wearing a coat to work and was thinking about painting my toenails this weekend, but look at this nonsense:

Ah well, I guess it’s a good thing I washed all my socks this weekend.
Sunday, March 21st   
Heard in my house. By me. I was the only one there. Regarding cleaning my makeup table. “I don’t feel like doing this. I’ll do a half ass job. No I won’t. I’ll do my regular ass job.” And so I did. (Note ANCIENT makeup mirror. Like I’m pretty sure it’s over 32 years old. You can see where I tried to plug a space heater into the socket & melted it.)

Monday, March 22nd   
Made some more flowers. I’m experimenting with how to add the stems. Still not totally happy with this method.

Tuesday, March 23rd  
No picture (we had no picture last Tuesday either – I guess this is now a thing?)
Wednesday, March 24th     
Sent a work email that made me nervous.

Thursday, March 25th
Got my second Pfizer vaccine! Very grateful to have had the opportunity!

Friday, March 26th
I took the day off from work in case I had a bad reaction to the vaccine. I didn’t have any flu-like symptoms, but I felt very lethargic. In fact, I still do, somewhat. Anyway, I had a nice lazy day crocheting and watching Dr. M mow.

Saturday, March 27th  
It’s been a while since I had this delicacy – grits, runny eggs, and raisins. It was great!

Weekly temperature blanket update. New color alert – I got to add fuchsia! The blanket is already getting about too big for me to photograph this way. I might have to start standing on a chair (that noise you heard was Dr. M saying hell no!). We’ll see.           

Today is Palm Sunday. We had a really nice service at church this morning, and made plans for our Easter service next week. We’re planning to start having in person services again with all the folks who want to attend. I’m simultaneously happy about this & annoyed that I can’t sleep in on Sundays anymore. Being an adult is complicated! What adulting thing do you feel ambivalent about?


  1. I'm not particularly ambivalent about being an adult, but I must say -- those grits and etc? I'm pretty ambivalent about that concoction!

  2. That forecast still looks good! You won't be out in the dead of night when those temps are so low. We're looking at HIGHS of 34 and 45.

    Congrats on being all vaxxed up!

    1. I know - I thought about you when I posted that. This is the season of wearing a coat to work & then being annoyed that I have to carry it out to the car.

  3. Aiyeeee! The grits and eggs and RAISINS? Well you have built a reputation for your weird food combinations but, WTH, if it tastes good to you who are we to criticize. I still think that blanket looks like the bottom half of a bikini.

    1. At this point it's a bikini for a fat bottomed girl. Ha!

  4. I just have to scroll past the pictures of those weird concoctions you eat. my husband often mixes everything together, well, not everything, but enough to make me go ick. it's all going to mix together in my stomach he says. yeah, your stomach, not your mouth where all the tasting happens.

    1. and glad you got your second jab, the second one, right?

    2. Yes - second one! I will keep posting pics of my creations because you never know who you'll inspire. For example, my cousin saw my PB&J & Bologna & Cheese sandwich & decided that it would be even better with Doritos. Ha!

  5. Shouldn't worry about the comments and responses heard unless one ends with "my preccccioussss.

  6. Fuschia, great addition. The temperature blanket is an intriguing project.
    And the grits combination is interesting. May try it.
    Have a blessed Easter!

  7. Being an adult is complicated! What adulting thing do you feel ambivalent about?

    I'm ambivalent about other adults. One of the most shocking things for me to learn as I moved into the adult world is how few of us actually know what we're doing. Seriously, a lot of people are full-fledged fools while the rest of us are playing a game.


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