Saturday, April 10, 2021

2021 Project 365 – Week Fifteen

I’ve been tired most of the week – mostly because I WILL NOT GO TO BED IN A TIMELY MANNER. And although it was after midnight before I got to bed last night, I slept until 10:30 this morning. I felt positively perky all day. Will I learn anything from this? No I will not.
Sunday, April 4th  
Easter! We had church in person (outside). I thought it was going to be cold so I wore a blazer & packed a blanket, but by the time the service started it was actually really warm. It was a gorgeous day and a lovely service.

Meanwhile, Dr. M had an angelic visitation of another sort.

Monday, April 5th   
I was texting with my brother and he asked if I’d read the latest book in one of the series that we like (Craig Johnson’s Walt Longmire series) & I said that I didn’t know there was a new one! So I went to Goodreads to get it added to my “to read” list & saw this. In my defense, I added it a week before the book was released, so I knew it would be a while before I could get it from the library. But really, to forget it even existed? Very sad. But I’m reading it now, so all’s well that ends well.

Tuesday, April 6th  
Dr. M got the Bugly inspected today. The service station had a very cool mural. 

Wednesday, April 7th      
You’ve already seen these flowers, but it’s the only picture from today. I finally packaged them up to send to the recipient.

Thursday, April 8th   
My usual spatula was dirty, so I had to pull ole Egghead out of retirement for my breakfast. She was not amused.

Our yard sure is pretty right now.

Friday, April 9th   
Dr. M got his first jab today! Very grateful that both of us are mostly vaccinated now.

Saturday, April 10th   
Temperature blanket update.

I made another of my flower teas today. It was pretty tasty, but I mostly enjoy the show. Fun!    

Dr. M & I are switching back & forth between the hockey game and the baseball game. We are living the good life. How are things going for you?


  1. That phlox is gorgeous! Mine has suffered so over the years from chimpmunk tunnelling and frostburn. It's on its last legs.

    Those flower teas are quite a show. You have to buy a pretty glass teacup just for them.

    1. I was thinking the same thing about the flower teas - they deserve a nice showcase.

  2. WHOOO HOOO for vaccinations.
    I like your spatula stand!
    Those flowers you made - how cute is that!!!

    1. The spatula stand is a Pampered Chef product - purchased to do a friend a favor. I've had it for years!

      The flowers are really easy to make, but I'm struggling with a good way to attach the stems to them.

  3. Beauty in progress--natural flowers and dried (and infused) and fake (crafter)--all beautiful!


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...