Saturday, July 10, 2021

2021 Project 365 – Week Twenty-eight

I don’t know if you’ve seen the controversial news that Instagram has decided that in the era of Reels and TikTok, it’s no longer primarily a photo sharing app. I’ve apparently jumped on the video bandwagon because, for the third week in a row you get a video! I know you are very excited.
Sunday, July 4th
I chopped up some fruit – it’s our red white & blue for the 4th!

Dr. M saw a hummingbird moth on the bee balm. They’re so freaky & cool.

Monday, July 5th  
Dr. M got new flowers for his mother’s grave. He was feeling “festive.”

I went to Daddy & Sue’s for dinner. I spent almost the entire time working the puzzle. It’s funny that I caught the teenager on her phone – she was almost as obsessed with the puzzle as I was.

Tuesday, July 6th    
My version of the “How it started; how it’s going” challenge. I thought my morning bedhead was especially fetching.

Morning glories and scenes from the yard. Dr. M mowed his dad’s yard on Monday and ours on Tuesday. He’s a hard worker!

Wednesday, July 7th    
Nessie was on the loose!

Thursday, July 8th  
Another jewelry malfunction – I was wearing a magnetic “shawl pin” (SO COOL – it keeps me from punching holes in my clothes & keeps my yarn apparel in place) and this necklace kept getting stuck to it. It was an interesting look.

Friday, July 9th   
Mailed off some books to some special kids. I had to laugh at the inscription on one of them. I always plan to be eloquent, but then in the moment I am mostly awkward (plus I have terrible handwriting). For example, did you know that Dr. M & I are God’s great aunt & uncle? At least that’s how it read to me in retrospect. Ha!

Stopped by Daddy & Sue’s after work and we FINISHED THE PUZZLE! HUZZAH! (Also, my voice on the video is VERY ANNOYING to me. Ugh. How do the people around me stand it?)

Saturday, July 10th  
Temperature blanket update.

I finished the shawl I’ve been working on. It needs blocking & the ends woven in. I mostly like it, but there is one issue: it’s about 2/3 the size it’s supposed to be. The black yarn I used was “light fingering” instead of regular fingering. I didn’t think it would make that big a difference, but apparently it does. It is SO TEMPTING to get the correct weight yarn & rip all this back out & redo it. I’ll think about it. What I’ll probably do instead is just live with this size and make another one with completely different colors. We shall see. If you have an opinion, let me know.

So this morning I was fixing my breakfast, and had finished spreading Laughing Cow cheese on my toast, went & got a fork, and then looked down and saw two case knives in my hand. So that’s how things are going for me. How about you?


  1. I've only seen a couple of hummingbird moths, but they are cool. Like bumblebees and actual hummingbirds, it's amazing that they can hover as they do. Did you happen to see my post about the woman in the mid-1800s who did watercolors of Texas wildflowers? Anyway, your bee balm reminded me that she painted that flower: See?

    1. Ooo - I love the flower! Ours don't have tiers like that, but otherwise look very similar.

  2. If I'd have had to work on that puzzle, I'd still be staring at the two knives in my hand and wondering . . . ? ? ?

  3. How about you?

    Getting ready to tackle my backyard jungle before it gets hot.

  4. Tough call on the shawl. If it's acrylic, blocking won't do much, as you know. If it's not a hardship, I'd rip it back and redo it.

    Congrats on the puzzle, but now what the heck are you going to do?

    1. Everything but the black is a wool blend, but the black is Lion Brand Woollike, and is acrylic. I'm going to think about this for a while I'm sure.

      I'll bet my dad has already dismantled the puzzle - ha!

  5. I like the colors and pattern but weird shape for a shawl.

    1. It is! I think it's supposed to help the drape, but since it's smaller than expected I'm not sure if I'll get the right effect.

  6. Many interesting and pretty things happening in your world. I'd guess it depends on how the shawl drapes to be the deciding factor thought taking it apart to replace the black??? lots of work. If it's too short for you - you might gift it to someone else.

    1. Yeah - I'm going to play with it a bit & see. If I can't make it work I probably will frog it because I don't think it would do any better on anyone else. We'll see!

  7. What a fun puzzle!!! When I get my office space from home cleaned out - I need to make a good puzzle station area! .... far from Ozzie!

    1. I'm sure my dad would love to let you have this one :)

  8. I'm having a similar day or two. Computer problems (and mental), several revisions of next chapter. Forgot what day it publishes. . . All has been repaired (I hope).
    That puzzle is amazing, and I love the communal involvement!
    Quite the jewelry combo!

    1. I'm sorry you've had some struggles - hopefully the rest of the week is much better for you!

  9. That is quite a puzzle! Clever to see "Nessie" in that weather map. I think your inscription worked out fine. :)


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

I’d like to blame the current administration for the state of my nails, but in fact they break off every year at this time. It’s like they d...