Saturday, July 17, 2021

2021 Project 365 – Week Twenty-nine

I woke up at 7:00 this morning, after getting to bed after midnight last night. And here we are, twelve hours later, with me trying to write this post all one-eyed. Let’s see what happens together, shall we?
Sunday, July 11th
Today’s hot take: speed limits on county roads are more what you’d call guidelines than actual rules, so a Bug should be allowed to drive her little blue car as fast as it wants to go - especially around curves (except that curve on Plateau road at Grace Church road - slow down for that one. And chickens. Slow down for chickens.). (After I posted this on Facebook one of my friends created the photo on the left which of course I loved so it’s my new profile picture.)

The Roy stopped by for a treat. Such a good boy!

Monday, July 12th  
Say what now? It was a wrong number, but I was highly amused.

Tuesday, July 13th    
So I tried to style the new shawl and I’m just not feeling it. I ordered a different black yarn and I will frog this and start over – with a larger hook. We shall see!

I consoled myself with a garlic toast & lasagna sandwich – yum!

Wednesday, July 14th    
Dr. M drove by this field of sunflowers today. It’s a difficult anniversary for us (really a hard week altogether – see tomorrow) because it was on this day 5 years ago that Dr. M received the news that he’d lost his job. A historian axed on Bastille Day – I guess that makes a kind of macabre sense.

Thursday, July 15th  
My watch kept reminding me that it was my mother-in-law’s birthday. She’s been gone 10 years now. Sad. (P.S. a friend pointed out that it would probably be a good idea for me to look into that driving skills course - it might help me with my parking.)

Friday, July 16th   
Back on the 4th when I wore my patriotic jewelry I felt conflicted & sad that it didn’t represent all that I feel about our country. So I decided to at least do this small thing. I had seen these bracelets by Mudlove worn by someone I follow on Instagram & loved them. And the bracelet is even better in person! Also, the purchase of a bracelet provides one week of clean water for someone in need. So get one for yourself! You can personalize it to say what you want. I wanted mine to remind me of the work I’m doing. If you get one, let me know!

I might have a drinking problem. The bin was full of cans underneath that cardboard box. I will say that this was about 4 weeks worth of cans.

Saturday, July 17th  
The goats in Dr. M’s dad’s backyard. Dr. M is very appreciative of all the grass they eat that he doesn’t have to mow.

Temperature blanket update.

I’m scheduled for a colonoscopy/endoscopy on Thursday, and you should all be very glad you don’t live with me. And that’s all I’m going to say about that. Ha! What exciting things do you have planned for this coming week?


  1. I’m scheduled for a colonoscopy/endoscopy...

    Yeah, my own doctor is supposed to be scheduling one for me. Can't say what I'll be doing this week. I'm a little behind at work and when I get home I'm crashing on the couch.

    1. I wish I could (or would) crash on the couch, but I'm always afraid if I take a nap I won't sleep at night, but then I stay up too late anyway & still don't get a reasonable amount of rest, so what could it hurt?

  2. I refuse. I just do the poop on the paper thing but I'm even bad about doing that in a timely fashion.

  3. What a curious text message. That would have made me do a double-take, too! Sorry the shawl didn't work out, but at least you have some idea how to fix it, and I guess doing so is better than wearing something you ultimately aren't happy with. Bon courage with the colonoscopy!

    1. Yeah - I'm actually excited to redo the shawl - and I think I'm changing the colors around too. This will make (I think?) the 4th redo. Ha!

  4. I'm with Ellen. My husband, however, has family history that requires he do The Whole Deal.

    Lasagna Sandwich? Sounds like a Carbo-Loading kind of day. Been there!

    1. I'm having to do mine as a result of other tests - I hope it turns into much ado about nothing!

      And YES on the carb-loading - it's been that kind of day for a month. Ha!

  5. I have always loved MudLove...I have so many bracelets from them.
    That text - LOL - that's awesome

  6. I LOVE your new profile picture. The way that jaw sticks out. The sunglasses are perfect. Might be a picture of a tough woman with a drinking problem. 😎

  7. We don't have any family history of colon problems so I'm not inclined to go through the unpleasant test. Good luck - I'd say have fun but I'm pretty sure you won't. You have my sympathy with the shawl - I hate to pull everything out and start over --- but I have!

    1. The thing is, I have so much yarn that I'm probably just going to start totally over & then frog if I need the yarn. Ha!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

I’d like to blame the current administration for the state of my nails, but in fact they break off every year at this time. It’s like they d...