Saturday, April 2, 2022

2022 Project 365 – Week Thirteen

It’s 11:00 on Saturday night and I’m watching Duke & Carolina play basketball – what a game! Back and forth and back & forth… These teams are really evenly matched. Who knows who’s going to win? (Well, by the time I finish this post we’ll know.) (Carolina won – they’ll play in the final game against Kansas on Monday.)
Sunday, March 27th      
Lots of photos today. This first one is on my way to church. I posted it on the socials on Thursday with this caption: So last night I dreamed that I needed to go somewhere but I had to wait until Maxine Waters found enough change in the sofa cushions. What does that even mean?

My aunt won the cowl that I was giving away. I think she looks great wearing it – and I love how it matched her new car!

More phlox glory…

Speaking of the NCAA basketball tournament…

Monday, March 28th   
Dr. M mowed his dad’s grass. It was a beautiful day!

Tuesday, March 29th
Our hockey team was playing the Tampa Bay Lightning in Florida & they had their “Hockey is for Everyone” night. This is a member of the Gay Mens’ Choir of Tampa singing the national anthem. It felt extra sweet after the passage of the “Don’t Say Gay” bill.

Wednesday, March 30th         
Progress on the historical temperature blanket I’m making. This is through February. I warned the recipient that it will probably be a monster & she said bring it on!

Thursday, March 31st     
We had another hard freeze. Our red encore azalea was a little more protected and seems fine, but the pink one got burnt. It’ll be back later in the summer.

Friday, April 1st     
The Roy pulled an April Fools’ joke on Dr. M – he hadn’t come to the fence to see what Dr. M was doing in a couple of days & he was worried when he saw him lying there without moving. Turns out he’s just an old man these days. He did come over to get a treat.

The dogwoods are blooming!

Saturday, April 2nd        
For those who are concerned, today I did all the chores I didn’t do last week. Woo hoo! But instead of taking a picture of the vacuum or mop, here is a picture of the six afghan squares I’ve made so far. This is going to be a very….interesting….blanket. I’m including a close-up of the spiral square – I think it’s such a cool technique.

Well, I’m usually ABC (anybody but Carolina), but my social justice side is pretty happy for the brand new Carolina coach, Hubert Davis. On the other hand, I’m a bit of a jinx, so I can’t really pull for them. So, go Kansas? Do I have any readers who even care about any of this? Ha!


  1. What glorious phlox! Mine keep dying back a little more each year (I suspect toxin from the black walnut behind us).

    Your spring is gorgeous. Enjoy it. As far as the NCAA, I couldn't care less. I don't even follow the colleges I attended. But I'm in the Championship for my NBA fantasy league, so there's that, and I'm finding it hard to even care a lot about that. LOL.

    1. I only care about basketball for these few weeks in March & April - and even then it's just fun to fill out a bracket & see how I do.

  2. You're dreaming about Maxine Waters? Yeah, what DOES that mean?!

    Your phlox look amazing, and so do your afghan squares! Glad to see Roy, even if he is being lazy. :)

    1. I know - what in the world! She's not someone I think about on a daily basis. A friend on facebook said that it means that she can't be the change alone & I need to help. Ha!

  3. What makes this temperature blanket 'historial'? I love phlox. I have a small clump Mary Moon sent me but it won't bloom for a while yet.

    1. It's for my cousin - temps from the year of her birth (1968). So we have an idea already what it will look like, but I find that even though you think you know how these things will turn out, they're always a surprise.

      Phlox is one of my favorite spring flowers. There was a house around the corner from us in Xenia that had a whole bank of different colors - gorgeous!

  4. I was glad to see Carolina beat Duke but felt compassion for them last night as Kansas made a miraculous 2nd half comeback.

    1. Yeah - it was hard to watch. On the other hand, they went so much further than people expected they would!

  5. Such a happy thing to see nature in bloom! You're in a good part of the country to watch it happen a little earlier than some. Enjoy!!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...