Sunday, April 14, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Fifteen

The world seems to be coming apart at the seams, and here I am, writing my little posts…
Sunday, April 7th                
Another completed puzzle. I also took a picture of my salad, but deemed that too unexciting for this post.  

Monday, April 8th   
I took a salad to work & when I opened my mini-fridge I saw that there was already another salad in there. Oops.

Tuesday, April 9th                            
Chipping sparrow which of course we call Larry Wayne Birb, in honor of Chipper Jones. (That's a little inside baseball. Heh.)

Wednesday, April 10th     
My cousin posted this on my wall. He did it as a challenge, but you know I would totally try it.

Thursday, April 11th                                
No photo. It was the 3rd day of what I’m now calling world building at work – we’re creating a new operating system from the ground up and this week we were testing things. It wasn’t pretty, but it WAS instructive. And I was toast.

Friday, April 12th            
Our Carolina Allspice, or Sweet Bubby bush, is blooming. It smells divine!

This was my second attempt to park in this space. I was thrown off because I went to pull into a space, but someone was getting out of their car so I had to go one space down. That’s my story anyway.

Saturday, April 13th                             
Dr. M’s Pop’s old gray cat living its best life.

This week was my sister-in-law’s birthday (hey Bren) & I ordered an eyeglass topper for her. She’s the one who got me addicted so it seems appropriate that I also ordered one for me. That will make number 19. How many is too many, do you reckon?


  1. That old gray cat is on top of the world! Well, at least on top of the picnic table.

  2. Your puzzle looks like 1950s England -- or at least what I imagine 1950s England might have looked like. Maybe it's the Crabtree name. I was quite a fan of Crabtree and Evelyn products, and now I've done a search, found they're still producing their Nantucket Briar scent, and I'm having to exercise strong will power to keep my eager little fingers off the keyboard. Amazon Prime is the devil.

    No willpower needed at all to decline that ghastly pizza. No pineapple on pizza either, thank you very much. Sausage. Black olives and mushrooms, ok. Pepperoni, sure. Onions and bell peppers -- gotta have 'em. Also, thin crust. But get fancy on me, and I'm out!

    1. My favorite pizza is pepperoni, mushroom, & banana peppers - thin crust. But I admit I'm intrigued. Ha!

  3. It's sad to know that you'll take that pizza as Inspiration.

    Sweet grey cat--I have a special fondness for grey cats. They're my favourite.

  4. is there any food combination you won't try? and that allspice is pretty.

    1. There are definitely some things I won't try. But not many. Ha!

  5. I love that puzzle!! Makes me want to do one. I don't know about that pizza (hmm) but I had a little house finch on my bedroom window sill yesterday. He hung out there for the longest time. Fun pictures!!

  6. I'm not sure I've ever seen that Carolina allspice plant. Beautiful! I wish I could smell it.

    NO on the pizza, a thousand times NO!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

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