Sunday, April 21, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Sixteen

It’s “cold” (53 degrees) and rainy and I am in my sheep pajamas with a warm laptop on my lap. I’m not mad about that.
Sunday, April 14th                
The phoebes are on the nest!

Monday, April 15th   
In my never ending quest to make my breakfast routine simpler, I bought yet another pan. I love it!

Meanwhile, the azalea at Dr. M’s dad’s house is gorgeous!

Tuesday, April 16th                            
Dad and Sue have been singing with a group for a number of years now, but this is the first time I’ve attended one of their performances. This one was at a church near where I work. I’m going to try to embed a video of my dad telling a joke, but if it doesn’t work you can go here to watch it. I actually genuinely laughed (twice) when he told it, so it’s worth checking out.

Wednesday, April 17th     
No photo.
Thursday, April 18th                                
I was walking out to my car & caught a glimpse of my shadow and wondered if maybe I was growing horns.

Friday, April 20th            
Went by Dad & Sue’s on the way home and was greeted by this bundle of fluffy joy. Meet the newest addition to my brother and sister-in-law’s family, Willow the Goldendoodle!

Also, my dad’s azalea is pretty amazing.

Saturday, April 21st                              
Dr. M was surprised to see blossoms on the Dr. Van Fleet rose at his dad’s house. So delicate and lovely.

I’m heading into my busiest season at work. I’m relieved that it’s here so it will soon be behind me. Well, I say soon, but this year because of a lot of factors it’s going to be busy and crazy until July. So what I’m saying is that I’ll have to devote my brain cells elsewhere for a while. Oh I’ll still post, but it might be gibberish. Something to look forward to!


  1. I thought those azaleas were beautiful and lush -- then I saw the second photo. My goodness! Those are some flowers! I didn't know there was such a thing as a goldendoodle. I don't know why that name makes me laugh; it just seems so silly. It reminds me of another word. If I had a goldendoodle, I'd name it Flapdoodle.

    I've got ten to twelve hour days ahead of me until May 1. Let's wish each other luck. Your time frame's longer, but a week of it left me exhausted last week. I'm all recovered now, and ready to start again!

    1. The first time I heard the breed goldendoodle I laughed too - such a funny name! I shall wish us both well for our busy Mays!

  2. Oh -- for two weeks I've been meaning to drop this video for you. It's Home Free's cover of Wagon Wheel, and it's all about traveling to 'North Caroline.' It's such a fine song!

    1. We love Old Crow Medicine Show's version, so I'll definitely check this one out!

  3. Flowers! And a puppy! What jolly photos. All you're missing is cake.

  4. happy dogs are one of the best things on earth. and those azaleas are breathtaking. mine get so little sun they only bloom sparsely.

    1. Every time I drive by my dad's house I wonder what that pink car is until I realize it's the azalea. It's almost as big as a VW Bug!

  5. That "dad joke" is one of the best I've heard! I'll be telling SWMBO.

    1. I was impressed! I usually spend a lot of time groaning at his jokes :)

  6. That IS an amazing azalea. I loved your dad's joke! (Skillful filming around that bouquet, too.) Willow is beautiful!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

I’d like to blame the current administration for the state of my nails, but in fact they break off every year at this time. It’s like they d...