Saturday, November 30, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Forty-seven

Lots of pictures this week, mostly of family (as you might expect). Let’s dive in!

Sunday, November 24th       

As I mentioned last week Dr. M made a green bean casserole for our church potluck. He brought it to church and ate with us, which was great. Do I have photos of that? Nope. What I have is a picture of me listening to a tender vittles audiobook. Happy sigh.

Monday,  November 25th 

No photo.

Tuesday, November 26th    

The tree in the lobby at work (City Hall) is huge!

Wednesday, November 27th  

I wore my penguin toppers today. It’s my It’s Almost Christmas but Let’s Not Skip Thanksgiving look. 

Dr. M got a stand for his cast iron. It’s lovely! And I appreciate it because the pan cabinet was getting out of control.

Thursday, November 28th    

Thanksgiving! (Note Dr. M’s gorgeous green bean casserole - he made two for today. He might be done making green bean casserole for the next 5-10 years.)

Friday, November 29th      

Busy day! I went by my brother’s house to take their family photos (note: I’m not really a photographer - hopefully my niece can edit the photos so that they’re usable). Here are some shots from the day.

Then I went to see Wicked with my cousins. Holly & I wore the same sweater (she ended up with the second one I made). Fun!

Saturday, November 30th     

For the second day in a row I ate leftover dessert for breakfast (yesterday’s was banana pudding). Good stuff! Pretty sure my body is going to be very happy to start its regular routine this next week. 

I was surprised today at how well I felt physically. I’ve still had random weird joint pain ever since that flare last month but today I didn’t have any knee or hip pain as I did my usual light housework. That was nice. Shall we keep it up? Please and thank you. But enough about that - how was your Thanksgiving?

Sunday, November 24, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Forty-six

I’m sitting here watching an Annie Oakley documentary while writing this post. She was quite a lady!

Sunday, November 17th       

We had a craft after church! We were supposed to be painting barn quilt squares with a heart pattern. But as usual I went my own direction. I told people that I was a beacon of joy. Ha! 

Monday,  November 18th 

I…have questions…

Tuesday, November 19th    

Christmas time is here… Also, what in the world is going on with the angel’s hair in the top left photo????

Wednesday, November 20th  

 I ordered some Christmas presents from Feryl Designs & of course bought something for myself. I was so tickled when they arrived and matched the outfit I was planning to wear today!

Thursday, November 21st    

Someone finally came in for the winter. 

Friday, November 22nd      

Dr. M says that he loves the artwork and the artist, but not that the sunset is happening at 5:30 down in the hollow.

Saturday, November 23rd     

Dr. M is simply the best. Not only is he going to make our green bean casserole for Thanksgiving, but he made one for my church potluck, and he brought it to church the next day. Here it sits, ready to be cooked on Sunday morning. 

We’ve almost made it to Thanksgiving. And then it’s a sprint to Christmas. I think SOON I’m going to pull out the gifts I’ve been buying throughout the year & make sure I really have everything - because last year my sister-in-law got the lamest gift EVER. I meant to get her something else, but oh well… Are you ready for Christmas?

Saturday, November 16, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Forty-five

You know how I have a label on these posts called Drama Queen? There are at least two days this week that deserve that label. It means I’m entertaining, right? Right? 

Sunday, November 10th       

Too tired to be feral, too feral to be demure… 

Monday,  November 11th 

Rooster on the loose, and strutting his stuff.

Tuesday, November 12th    

I was trying to get a photo where it didn’t look like I just had one giant leg. I take a lot of selfies, but I’m not really all that good at it. Ha!

Wednesday, November 13th  

Happy birthday Dr. M!! We had dinner with Dad & Sue & they gave him this balloon. He did level up - this was birthday number 65 & he’s already made good use of his Medicare. 

Thursday, November 14th    

Rainy days call for soup for lunch. 

Friday, November 15th      

Dr. M had an outpatient procedure to remove some polyps from his stomach (precancerous). Then we came home & I scrambled some eggs to go on Bojangles' biscuits and sausage. 

Saturday, November 16th     

This is a dramatic reenactment of the moment I realized that I’m colder this fall because I lost 40 pounds in the last 7 months (on purpose, for my health). 

Pinky! She’ll probably have to come inside sometime this coming week, but she’s been perfectly happy on the deck this fall.

How was your week? I’ve moved through a number of stages and have arrived at it is what it is & we’ll just have to see what we see. And now I have my mom singing Que Sera Sera in my head…

Saturday, November 9, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Forty-four


Sunday, November 3rd        

Heading home from church.

Monday,  November 4th 

Dr. M pulled out his new cast iron dutch oven and made a MOST excellent soup. The only sad thing is that he had to make some spice substitutions and they were really (really) good and who knows if he can do it again.

Tuesday, November 5th    

Awww - I was so young and full of hope on my way to work!

Wednesday, November 6th  

I posted this on my socials: I’m sad. Numb (very on brand). Maybe later I’ll have some righteous anger. But I realized in the wee hours this morning something that I’ve always really known: this is who we are in this country. My whole life I’ve been surrounded by people whose idea of how government can help people is different than mine. This is not new. I’m a little flummoxed by the vessel that they’ve elected to carry out their will. And I’m trying not to be afraid for the marginalized folks who will get no love from this administration. I guess I’ll just have to do my best to love them myself.

But then Dr. M found some beauty. 

Thursday, November 6th    

This made me squee & laugh & so I’m sharing it with everyone I know. Because who doesn’t need some penguin squeeage?

Friday, November 8th      

People. I’m bored. Bored I tell you! (Images saved to my phone at 10:30 at night when I should have just shut everything down & gone to sleep already.)

Saturday, November 9th     

The Bug Household comforting itself with hockey & tuna melts. 

I know I’ll probably post more about politics in the future, but for now I’m taking a wee break to mourn (a break from politics - not a break from blogging!). You can check out Ellen’s blog if you need a fix - she will definitely oblige!

Sunday, November 3, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Forty-three

After having to pull out my cane on Sunday evening & use it at work on Monday, I am happy to report that I went to the doctor Monday afternoon, got some steroids, and am (one week later) finally feeling more like my old self. Whew!

Sunday, October 27th        

A rare Sunday lunch by myself (I had church stuff that kept me from going to the ‘rents for lunch & Dr. M was at his dad's). I got myself some Wendy’s chili & a baked potato. So tasty!

Monday,  October 28th 

Pretty things and seasonal things….

Tuesday, October 29th    

Our colors have been muted, but it’s still been rather lovely around here.

Wednesday, October 30th  

I posted this on my socials & no one was any help. It’s still a mystery! This is on my to-do list for Sunday. I have no memory of there being a dirty Santa situation in my life. Is it for work? For my friend group party? Are we doing this as a family this year? Somebody tell me!! Because I am AT SEA.

Thursday, October 31st     

Dr. M’s dad’s familiar getting cozy on Halloween.

Friday, November 1st      

I stayed at work late to get the November calendar set up. It’s an important someone’s birthday month!

Saturday, November 2nd      

Harvest time.

Well, this is the week. I’ll be working as usual so that should keep me fairly occupied. I’m less nervous than I was - and that makes me nervous. Ha! I guess by the time I write to you again we’ll know who our new president will be. I hope. And I hope that we can transfer power without drama this time!

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...