Saturday, November 16, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Forty-five

You know how I have a label on these posts called Drama Queen? There are at least two days this week that deserve that label. It means I’m entertaining, right? Right? 

Sunday, November 10th       

Too tired to be feral, too feral to be demure… 

Monday,  November 11th 

Rooster on the loose, and strutting his stuff.

Tuesday, November 12th    

I was trying to get a photo where it didn’t look like I just had one giant leg. I take a lot of selfies, but I’m not really all that good at it. Ha!

Wednesday, November 13th  

Happy birthday Dr. M!! We had dinner with Dad & Sue & they gave him this balloon. He did level up - this was birthday number 65 & he’s already made good use of his Medicare. 

Thursday, November 14th    

Rainy days call for soup for lunch. 

Friday, November 15th      

Dr. M had an outpatient procedure to remove some polyps from his stomach (precancerous). Then we came home & I scrambled some eggs to go on Bojangles' biscuits and sausage. 

Saturday, November 16th     

This is a dramatic reenactment of the moment I realized that I’m colder this fall because I lost 40 pounds in the last 7 months (on purpose, for my health). 

Pinky! She’ll probably have to come inside sometime this coming week, but she’s been perfectly happy on the deck this fall.

How was your week? I’ve moved through a number of stages and have arrived at it is what it is & we’ll just have to see what we see. And now I have my mom singing Que Sera Sera in my head…


  1. Congrats on the weight loss. That's a big deal.
    I planted my potted geraniums outside this year. I got tired of having them as houseguests. We'll see what happens.

  2. yay you for losing weight. it shows in your selfie. and about selfies. when I did my year of the selfie it took at least half a dozen before I got one I would publish. I should have done it again this year, 10 years later.
    and yeah, all we can do and wait and see what happens and engage in quiet acts of resistance.

  3. Congrats on losing that weight, and thanks for confirming a suspicion of my own. I've taken off 25 pounds, and I've been wondering why I've been getting cold now and then. It had occurred to me that losing some of my fat layer might be the reason, and here's a confirmation! You sure do look good, and I really like that first photo.

    As for roosters: oh, girl. Do I have a song for you and Dr. M! The Rooster rules!

    1. Thank you! I'll have to check out that song :)

    2. I finally had a minute to listen and that was a HOOT. Ha! Thanks for sharing it!

  4. That's roughly the stage I'm at politically as well. Congrats on the weight loss! Pinky looks happier than our geranium here, which is a collection of sticks with tiny little leaves at the top.

    1. She'll get to that stage eventually once we bring her inside.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Three

You know, once snow stops falling it’s kind of annoying. Just FYI. Sunday, January 12th        Out back. One of these birds is not like the ...