Sunday, November 3, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Forty-three

After having to pull out my cane on Sunday evening & use it at work on Monday, I am happy to report that I went to the doctor Monday afternoon, got some steroids, and am (one week later) finally feeling more like my old self. Whew!

Sunday, October 27th        

A rare Sunday lunch by myself (I had church stuff that kept me from going to the ‘rents for lunch & Dr. M was at his dad's). I got myself some Wendy’s chili & a baked potato. So tasty!

Monday,  October 28th 

Pretty things and seasonal things….

Tuesday, October 29th    

Our colors have been muted, but it’s still been rather lovely around here.

Wednesday, October 30th  

I posted this on my socials & no one was any help. It’s still a mystery! This is on my to-do list for Sunday. I have no memory of there being a dirty Santa situation in my life. Is it for work? For my friend group party? Are we doing this as a family this year? Somebody tell me!! Because I am AT SEA.

Thursday, October 31st     

Dr. M’s dad’s familiar getting cozy on Halloween.

Friday, November 1st      

I stayed at work late to get the November calendar set up. It’s an important someone’s birthday month!

Saturday, November 2nd      

Harvest time.

Well, this is the week. I’ll be working as usual so that should keep me fairly occupied. I’m less nervous than I was - and that makes me nervous. Ha! I guess by the time I write to you again we’ll know who our new president will be. I hope. And I hope that we can transfer power without drama this time!


  1. Silly Google won't let me sign in with my Google account. Sigh. But here I am.
    I may have figured out your Dirty Santa memo. There's a new holiday 'game' going around that's like a white elephant gift exchange. You can read one article about it here: Dirty Santa Rules. Could it be that you were thinking of writing a poem for a gift exchange, either as a gift or as a bit of entertainment?

    Is that cotton I see in one of the field photos? I didn't know cotton grew in your part of the country. Even though your foliage is muted, it is pretty -- and I love the hay bale pumpkin. I saw one this year that had the end spray painted. My favorite photos are of the individual leaves. Leaves are great on the tree or off.

    1. Yes - we do have cotton! We have more corn and soybeans, but there is a little bit of cotton too.

  2. We had an absolutely glorious fall foliage display. We're past peak now, and had some high winds that brought a lot down, but it was a brilliant autumn in NEO.

    I love chili on a baked potato. That's our way of using up leftover chili every time. So good!

    TUESDAY IS UPON US! The two republican voters I flipped in Ohio now live in North Carolina! I did my part. LET'S GO!

  3. I'm going to be finding all sorts of things to keep me busy tomorrow and tomorrow night and staying off social media and away from the news. going for shock or awe on Wednesday morning.

  4. Lots of chickens out there waiting til the next day. Not me. I'll be keeping track and getting ready to cheer for President K.

  5. Tuesday night was a shock. I actually woke up Thursday morning believing it was a nightmare for a couple of seconds.

    1. Yeah I have engaged in some magical thinking lately - what if we woke up & it didn't really happen that way? Sigh.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Five

Dear America, you are whack. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (This was last week’s intro. It seemed apt this week too. Will I just ...