Monday, February 15, 2016

Monday Miscellany

I'm writing this while in a Valentine's candy stupor, so who knows what I'll say... Let's see...

The iPad Story. I decided to get myself a tablet for my birthday, and after weighing the pros & cons of different ones, I decided to go with the newest iPad - the Air 2. It would use the same charging cables as my iPhone, & since it's basically a giant phone, I already know how to navigate it. Of course, I couldn't wait until my birthday to get it, and when it arrived I was really excited until I pulled out the charging cable. Not at all the same. Turns out that I ordered an iPad 2 instead of an iPad Air 2. I just treated myself to 5 year old technology! Woo hoo! I thought I'd gotten a really good deal. Ha! But so far I like it just fine. If I were watching a lot of videos or playing games I might wish I had something newer, but I wanted it to read books and blogs and Facebook, and it's perfect for that. 

Church Stuff. I agreed to run for Senior Warden at church again - another 2 year term. And those crazy people elected me again. Hopefully this next two years will be as uneventful as the past two years (although, come to think of it, a lot of stuff actually did happen... hmm...). 

Another (ANOTHER!) hat. I made a gray one this time. I love those buttons!

I'm currently working on a scarf, but since right now it looks like one of those crocheted beards, I'm not sharing a picture. Well, ok, since you asked, but this is not how it will look when it's finished.

Temperature Blanket. I saw this super cute idea on Facebook & decided right away that I needed to try it. And yes, I know what you dirty-minded people are thinking & you just keep those thoughts to yourselves! :)

OK, I know this is long on yarn, and short on substance, but it's what you're getting at the moment. Why don't you tell me a yarn in the comments?

P.S. I'm trying to be better about replying to comments on my posts, so check my last post to see what fascinating thing I said (note: not really fascinating).


  1. The iPad Story. A few years back my daughter, who was ten at the time desperately wanted an iPhone, just like her best friend which would allow them to text each other. My wife and I said no, but clever me I came up with the idea of buying her an used iPod Touch that would allow them to text and for my daughter to listen to music, all without having to pay for a cell phone.

    So, My daughter and I went to one of those places that sells used video games and bought an iTouch with the money she got for Christmas. Turns out it was a first generation iTouch and was totally useless except for the apps already on the device, which internet texting wasn't one of them. And no, the place wouldn't let us return the thing. I felt bad for months, until my daughter and her friend just started using their laptops to chat.

    1. I'm already figuring out that there are things that I can't really do on this iPad. I tried to write a blog post, for example, but I couldn't add any pictures to the post. And we know that I can't have a blog post without pictures!

  2. I am happy with my computer. My granddaughter (7 years) has an iPad and when she brings it downstairs we swap. My computer has more games and music available than her iPad. I spend enough time on my computer doing Facebook, so I need some hours in my life with people I can touch. LOL

    1. Boy, I am so guilty of spending too much time on my computer/phone/iPad. I'm basically a hermit - ha!

  3. I don't know how you get so much knitting done considering how busy you are with all your activities.

    1. I use the time that I could have spent cleaning my house...

  4. I didn't realize you had so many wild critters near your church that you needed a Warden.

  5. I love my iPad and have it with me every day. During lunch I read/answer emails, check Facebook, surf the internet, or read a book. I love the apps that let you "assemble" your own magazine by picking topics you like (like the Apple News app and Flipboard).

    My cellphone is ancient technology (Samsung Galaxy S3)...I'm trying to decide if I should get an iPhone next time or just a newer Android. I have a long time to decide.

    1. I'm not toting my iPad every day because I didn't get an internet plan with it - it just uses wifi & I don't have that available at work. But if I'm reading a really good book & want a bigger screen I might take it with me.

  6. Is that first hat called The Conehead? It would make quite a fashion statement in France! Haha! Look it up...SNL. :)

    1. I DO look a lot like Jane Curtain, don't I? (I know, not really - ha!)

  7. It's hard to reply to blog comments. I'm hit or miss on that myself. More miss than hit.

    Funny story about the iPad. Technology is so confusing, is it not?

    1. Oh it IS so confusing. I usually make Mike research these things for me, but I decided to not bother him this time. That'll teach me!

  8. I love the thermometer "key" to the temperature blanket.

    You are really, really making me consider learning to crochet. It has to be easier than knitting; you are awfully prolific.

    1. I'm terrified of knitting (I'll poke my eye out!), but yes, I did find crochet to be very easy to pick up. Plus, I never clean my house - that leaves me lots of extra time to spend with my yarn!

  9. I think I posted about my iPad...lost it in a church parking lot, went back, had only been 20 minutes but it was gone, went inside to see if anyone had turned it in, no, went directly to the apple store and bought a new one, two days later the church called with my old iPad, someone had carried it in and put it on a table instead of turning it in to the office.

    1. Oh yeah - I remember that story. Reminds me of when I lost my Palm Pilot on a cruise (in 2004). I was frantic because it had a lot of data on it that I didn't want a thief to get. I went to the lost & found desk & it wasn't there, but someone turned it in later. Whew!

  10. I have a large screen Kindle Fire rather than an iPad. I got that because I plan to buy a MacBook so I figured I didn't need an iPad as well. I have three iPods, one really old one for the Bose dock. The battery no longer holds a charge, but it still works even though it's the first generation and almost ten years old. One much newer one which docks into my car with the cable and works through the car's sound system. And the latest generation for messaging,etc and listening to music while I read or knit. We don't get cellular reception at our house so an iPhone makes no sense. I looked at iPads but decided to get the MacBook instead.

    1. Mike is thinking about getting the Kindle Fire - he has an older one that he's used a lot. I have a couple of sansadisc MP3 players that I use for audiobooks (mostly), plus an ancient Palm Pilot. I don't think I can even load any new music on it anymore, but it still has an old playlist that I like to listen to every now & then :)

  11. Your comments about your temperature afghan, which is a very cute idea, made me laugh out loud. :)

    Your iPad story sounds just like something I would do. OH, gosh. I'm glad your still satisfied with it, though. Enjoy. I love mine.


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