Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday Miscellany

Well hello there! I trust you're doing well. I'm fine, although I could have done with a couple of extra Saturdays this weekend. I always have a list of things I'm going to do, but then I get to the end of the weekend & mostly I've just crocheted. Poor Dr. M.

We got new square patterns for the afghan crochet-along. Fun and VERY fast. I sat outside on Saturday & crocheted one of them start to finish in just a couple of hours. (The key phrase there is "I SAT OUTSIDE.") Here are the new squares, plus my progress so far:

The weekend was VERY windy and our snow people decided that they were just done. I'd like to think this means we might not have more snow, but I'm not sure how much we can trust the predictive power of lumber.

I put a screen protector on my new iPad, and I had to laugh at the instructions. Exactly how does one hold something soft and floury firmly?

On Sunday before book club I ran into Michael's for more yarn. As I said on Facebook, it's not an addiction. I can quit at any time! Right after this next project...

Hope your Monday lands softly!


  1. There are worse addictions :)

    We always got a bit of false spring in February when we lived in Michigan. It was just enough to give us hope that winter might one day end. hahaha But of course, it never ended right then! It dragged on for another month or two. But still, that brief respite of warm weather was always welcomed with open arms, even if it was just a teaser.

    1. We're having another windy, yet warm, weekend - and expecting the temps to plummet again this coming week. Sigh.

  2. when you first posted the color selections I thought I preferred the top set but now that you have made some of the squares, I definitely love the black and turquoise. and the new colors set is wonderful too. as for those instructions, the chinese need to get a new translator.

    1. I think my favorite color combo changes depending on the square pattern. We'll see which blanket ultimately ends up being my favorite.

  3. Ha! There's worse things to get addicted to than yarn.

  4. Those instructions made me laugh out loud. That's the same type of grammar you get in messages from Nigeria hoping to get into your bank account!

    1. Yep. I started reading them seriously, trying to remember how to put one of those protectors on, and then I started laughing.

  5. I always love to see your projects. I wish I was as talented. Do you know a standard width for an afghan? I started a few and they look more like throws. Trying to decide whether or not to start over. :/

    1. I usually try to follow a pattern for my blankets, so I'm not really in charge of how big they end up being :)

  6. I'm lovin' that bright blue... kind of in the turquoise family? I want to paint my front door in one of those shades.

    It's great to have a hobby or something that you enjoy doing. I need to get all excited about something that makes me move around. Of course, I love books and movies and writing. This sitting is killing me (said while laughing hysterically). I really need to get moving and stop eating so much.

    Your afghan squares are always so pretty. My aunt was involved with a group that made lap rugs for veterans. I'd like to find something like that around here. I think I could still see well enough to crochet... I think.

    1. The bright blue in the finished square is Red Heart Soft Turquoise. The one in the bag is Lion Brand Vanna's Choice Aqua. And you have GOT to paint your door that color!

  7. I always want an extra day between Saturday and Sunday!

    In Buffalo they have a rule to not get excited about nice weather so early. There's always a blizzard on or around St. Patrick's Day.


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