Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday Miscellaney

Hello hello! First, some housekeeping. I have replied to all your comments on my last two posts. I was extra witty, so go check it out. (Note: I was not extra witty).

Also, Dr. M's dad has some serious health issues going on. We're not sure exactly what's going on, but I'll let you know when I know. Just please keep him & Dr. M & his brother in your prayers.

Now, on to the miscellany!

My hair must think I have a personality disorder of some kind. Here are the products that I routinely use:

I want volume! But it needs to be calmed down. And then curled! And, really? My hair is not curly, or straight, nor does it have volume. I think all these products are just canceling each other out. But I'm using them until they're gone because I hate to have a cabinet filled with half used things.

I made two squares with the new yarn I bought last week. You'll notice that the colors look different in the two pictures. Lighting really does make a difference - who knew? The second one is a little more true.

I wore a blazer that I haven't worn in a while & found this note in the pocket:

It was written on a full sheet of notebook paper, with nothing else on it. My Facebook folks had some interesting ideas, but none of them sounded right. What do you think?

On Saturday I made a cake! A yarn cake that is (that's what they call those little squat balls of yarn that aren't in a skein or in a ball). It's not a very good yarn cake, but at least that wad of yarn is usable. (Note the color difference in these photos too - taken in the same place, but three hours apart).

Finally, the moon!

Have a fabulous week!


  1. Your comments are always witty and so is your blog. I can't stand half-full containers either. I never open a new can, bottle or jar before I finish the first one. H, however, does it all the time. :(

    1. I'm FINALLY getting to the point where I can throw something away without slicing it open to get the last little bit out. I think that's probably healthier, right?

  2. So I'm curious... what is that you used to spool up the yarn?

    1. That is the dowel from a wooden paper towel holder. It's a bit bigger than I really needed. I'll have to try to find something more manageable next time.

  3. Interesting how a color can vary from one photograph to the next.

  4. I'm with you on the hair products. My hair is limp and lifeless. I'm always on the lookout for a shampoo that makes me look like Brooke Shields.

    I hope everything with your father-in-law's health issues gets resolved. It can be very scary and emotionally draining to have family with health issues so far away. Keeping you in my thoughts.

    1. Thanks - we're in NC now. Dr. M took his dad to an appointment with the surgeon today - his surgery is next week (outpatient). We should know more then.

  5. Wasn't Jackie Cooper an old-time child actor? I have no idea what "Elizabeth" could refer to, though, unless it's one of his movies.

    1. Some Facebook folks speculated that it referred to Elizabeth Taylor :)


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