Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Wednesday Whimsy

1. Last week I went to the Google to find information about some of the dolls I had as a child (these ones here). I couldn't remember what they were called, so I just typed in Peace Love Hope. This was my favorite result. If only it was as easy as a Google search!

P.S. as Nance points out, the website for the dolls sounds like a sort of Scottish Porn label. Ha!

2. The original tassels on the hat that I made last week were too short, so I took them off to make longer ones. Later I saw this sad scene on my end table. It's saying, "Help me! Help me! I can't move my legs!" Why, yes, every inanimate object in our house does have a voice & a personality. This one is kind of pathetic.

Now, go out there & make your Wednesday whimsical!


  1. I've never heard of those dolls before. (Not surprisingly, maybe, although I was known to play with a Barbie or two when I was a boy.)

    1. I loved them - especially Flower because she had red hair. My brother played with my Barbies - he used to use them as kidnap victims for his GI Joe to rescue. Ha!

  2. Who knew we could get Peace, Hope and Love at Target? I'll be there when the doors open this morning.
    Poor, poor tassels. They ain't got no body.

  3. I don't remember those dolls either but then I was in my 20s and married when they came out.

  4. Can you MAKE whimsy? Doesn't whimsy, by its nature, have to just happen?

    I'll be On The Lookout for it at the grocery store today. Ugh. Not looking forward to that trip today.

    1. I'm pretty sure that if you find whimsy at the grocery store it will be a miracle! Although there was that time that I left a poem about Hoppin John in the black-eyed pea section...

  5. The body of those legs appears to have been crushed by something on the left. Hmmm, new blog site. Very clean.

    1. Don't get used to the new blog look - it might be entirely different the next time you come around!

  6. haha = my objects all have a voice & feelings too ;)
    I like your new bloggy look!!!

    1. Thanks! This assigning personalities to inanimate objects can be a problem - especially when it's time to throw something out. "Old lampy - we knew it well!"

  7. The closest thing I had to a doll growing up was a stuffed Woody Woodpecker.

    1. I had lots of stuffed animals too, but no Woody Woodpecker, darn it.

  8. I had Terri Lee and Revlon dolls -- many, many years before yours were produced! My mother sewed or knit doll clothes like crazy. She made a suede coat and hat for the Revlon, and I remember a red and white knit skating outfit for the Terri Lee. It's weird. I name everything in the world -- plants, cars, and so on -- but I don't remember giving either of those dolls a name. I do still have a star-shaped pin made of "emeralds" that the Revlon doll wore on special occasions.

    1. I named EVERYTHING. I even had a scrapbook where I kept a record of who was named what because I started forgetting. Ha!


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